Friday, 18 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Articles by our staff & students
The following papers have been added to PubMed recently:Lin D, Li Q, Li W, Swain M. Bone remodeling induced by dental implants of functionally graded materials. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2009 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Wang HC, Fleming S, Lee YC, Law S, Swain M, Xue J. Noncontact, nondestructive elasticity evaluation of sound and demineralized human dental enamel using a laser ultrasonic surface wave dispersion technique. J Biomed Opt. 2009 Sep-Oct;14(5):054046.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Faculty publications
Thursday, 10 December 2009
New books received this week
Textbook of endodontology / edited by Gunnar Bergenholtz (et al). 2nd ed, Chichester, West Sussex ; Ames, Iowa : Blackwell Pub., 2010.
Significantly restructured and completely updated, the new edition maintains the ethos of the original, facilitating ease of learning through pedagogical features such as annotated references, core concepts and key literature. It features a number of new chapters.Review questions and answers for dental assisting /edited by Betty Ladley Finkbeiner. St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2009.
Key features: Three simulated Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) practice exams are organized into CDA exam sections: General Chairside, Infection Control, and Radiation Health and Safety. Photos and illustrations pictured with the exam questions provide a realistic exam simulation.Dental assisting instrument guide / Donna Phinney. Clifton Park, NY : Thomson Delmar Learning, c2007.
A large variety of dental instruments are used in practice so it is important for the dental assistant to know and understand the characteristics and functions of these instruments. This Guide allows study of the instruments through photos and brief descriptions and makes identification a breeze.
Monday, 7 December 2009
A research and collaboration website in bioethics
EthicShare is a research and collaboration website developed with an initial focus on bioethics. Here you will find a comprehensive collection of ethics materials including research materials, group discussions, current news articles, and upcoming events. It automatically adds new research materials regularly, but if you notice that something is missing you can help improve EthicShare by sharing citations, conference announcements and calls for papers as well as suggestions. Membership is free. For more information please go to the EthicShare homepage.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
Thursday, 3 December 2009
New books received this week
NVQs for dental nurses / Carole Hollins. Oxford, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa : Blackwell, 2009.
NVQs for Dental Nurses provides trainee dental nurses with a core companion to the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 3 in Oral Healthcare. The book offers comprehensive support on mandatory units of the course in addition to supplying material on the optional units most common to clinical dentistry.The anatomical basis of dentistry / by Bernard Liebgott. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2010.
Now in full color, this new edition helps you master the essentials of gross anatomy. Complete, accurate coverage highlights the regions of the head and neck that are of clinical relevance. Dental management of the medically compromised patient / by DJames W. Little (et al) St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby Elsevier, c2008.
Ensure your patients' health and safety! Practical guidance helps you determine the severity and stability of common medical disorders in the dental office, so you'll always know how to proceed to provide the best possible care and avoid complications. Delmar's dental assisting video series. Clifton Park, N.Y. : Thomson Delmar Learning, c2006.
This set of 2 DVDs is a great resource for training Dental Assistants. Contents: Disc 1. pt. 1: Introduction to Chairside Assisting; pt. 2: Dental Radiography; pt. 3: Infection Control Techniques. -- Disc 2. pt. 4: Restorative Dental Materials; pt. 5: Laboratory Impression, Materials & Techniques.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Manual for Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics
This Manual by Marjan Moghadam, DDS, MA from New York University College of Dentistry is an open access teaching resource. It includes step-by-step instructions with color photographs of procedures involved in making complete dentures, provides illustration and instructions for pre-clinical simulation exercises and instructions on making preliminary impressions for complete denture fabrication.
(Source: MedEdPORTAL, accessed on 30/11/2009)
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Thursday, 26 November 2009
New books received this week
Orofacial pain / edited by Joanna M. Zakrzewska. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
This concise handbook takes an evidence-based psychosocial approach to the management of patients with pain in the face or mouth and provides basic guidelines to facilitate care quickly in the clinical setting. The book will serve as a useful guide for dental practitioners and specialists in orofacial pain.Infection control for the dental team / by Michael V. Martin (et al). London : Quintessence, 2009.
Infection control is central to the clinical practice of dentistry. This book deals with infection control risk, medical histories and personal protection, surgery design and equipment, instrument decontamination, disinfection and ethical and legal responsibilities in infection control.
Immunology interactive Version 3.0./ by D. Male, J. Brostoff and I. Roitt. London : Mosby, c2002.
Combines the expertise of leading immunologists and animators to deliver the most dynamic visual overview of the human immune system available. It introduces immunology through 3-D animations and lectures with supporting text, illustrations, molecular models and video clips. Also includes 200 multiple choice questions for self-assessment. Removable partial dentures: a clinician's guide. / John D. Jones. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
A highly practical step-by-step guide for the diagnosis, treatment planning, and manufacture of removable partial prostheses. Through its systematic approach, the book demystifies the clinical practice of these procedures, providing the practitioner with essential information on this common modality for partially edentulous patients.
Monday, 23 November 2009
On open access publishing
Remember Jane, the journal/author name estimator which helps you decide which journal you should submit your paper to? Now here are some websites that may support you with retaining some rights in your intellectual output instead of handing them all over to the publishers.
Sherpa Romeo Here you can do a search by journal title to find out if the journal is published by a green, blue, yellow or white publisher:
Green publishers - allowing archiving of both pre-prints and post-prints
Blue publishers - allowing archiving of post-prints but not pre-prints
Yellow publishers - allowing archiving of pre-prints but not post-prints
White publishers - no archiving allowed SPARC Practical guidance when submitting journal articles. Here you will also find a SPARC sample addendum. SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.
Six things a researcher needs to know about OA in SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #94, February 2, 2006.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Publishing, Tips and hints
Thursday, 19 November 2009
New books received this week
Immediate function & esthetics in implant dentistry / edited by Peter Moy London ; Chicago : Quintessence, c2008.
This book covers loading principles; NobelGuide concept, surgical planning, NobelGuide Zygoma implants and immediate function, aesthetic considerations, NobelGuide prostheses and avoiding complications when using NobelGuide.
Exercises in oral radiography techniques: a laboratory manual. / Evelyn M. Thomson. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Education, c2007.
This simply written workbook-style lab manual provides 14 concrete, practical exercises in oral radiographic procedures and interpretation that challenge readers to link theory with clinical practice.
Fundamentals of biochemistry: life at the molecular level. / Donald Voet (et al). 3rd ed, Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2008.
This text challenges students to better understand the chemistry behind the biological structure and reactions occurring in living systems. The 3rd edition incorporates coverage of recent research and an expanded focus on preparing and supporting students throughout the course.Bailey and Love's short practice of surgery / edited by Norman S. Williams (et al). 25th ed, London : Hodder Arnold, c2008.
One of the world's pre-eminent medical textbooks, beloved by generations of surgeons, with lifetime sales in excess of one million copies. Now in its 25th edition, the content has been thoroughly revised and updated while retaining its traditional strengths.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Articles by our staff & students
The following papers have been added to PubMed last month:Lin D, Li Q, Li W, Duckmanton N, Swain M. Mandibular bone remodeling induced by dental implant. J Biomech. 2009 Oct 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Paetyangkul A, Türk T, Elekdağ-Türk S, Jones AS, Petocz P, Darendeliler MA. Physical properties of root cementum: part 14. The amount of root resorption after force application for 12 weeks o n maxillary and mandibular premolars: a microcomputed-tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009 Oct;136(4):492.e1-9; discussion 492-3.
Chan AS, Lee RW, Srinivasan VK, Darendeliler MA, Grunstein RR, Cistulli PA. Nasopharyngoscopic evaluation of oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J. 2009 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Faculty publications
Thursday, 12 November 2009
New books received this week
Mosby's orthodontic review / edited by Jeryl D. English (et al). St. Louis : Mosby Elsevier, c2009.
With a concise, focused review of orthodontic concepts and current clinical information, including diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical treatment, this book will help you achieve the best results for success on competency examinations as well as excellent clinical outcomes.
Professionalism and ethics: a guide for dental care professionals. / Fiona Stuart-Wilson. London : Quay Books, M A Healthcare Ltd., 2009.
This book will help all dental care professionals understand and interpret the General Dental Council guidance on the Standards for Dental Care professionals, and the practical implications of interpreting them. Current therapy in orthodontics / edited by Ravindra Nanda (et al). St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2009.
Orthodontics as it relates to optimal patient therapy and care from diagnosis and treatment planning, the management of sagittal and vertical discrepancies, and the management of adult and complex cases to the application of biomedicine in orthodontic treatment.Essentials in piezosurgery: clinical advantages in dentistry. / Tomaso Vercellotti. Milan ; Chicago : Quintessence, c2009.
A summary of the clinical benefits of Piezoelectric bone surgery in dentistry, implantology and oral surgery. Presents the clinical advantages of using Piezosurgery over traditional instruments for tooth extraction, ridge expansion, sinus lifting, bone grafting and clinical crown lengthening.
Monday, 9 November 2009
iPhone 'apps' visualize human anatomy
University of Utah researchers created new iPhone programs - known as applications or "apps" - to help scientists, students, doctors and patients study the human body, evaluate medical problems and analyze other three-dimensional images.
For more information please see iPhone the Body Electric
(Source: Accessed on 9/11/2009)
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Thursday, 5 November 2009
New books received this week
Periodontology at a glance / Valerie Clerehugh (et al). Chichester, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Provides readers with an easy-to-use tool to assimilate the key information about periodontics by illustrating each topic with a double-page spread that encapsulates essential knowledge. Clear diagrams and clinical pictures are accompanied by succinct text, providing a highly visual format to facilitate ease of learning.ITI treatment guide. Vol.3 / edited by D. Buser (et al). Berlin ; London : Quintessence, 2007-
Volume 3 of the series entitled "Implant placement in post-extraction sites: treatment options" provides clinicians with practical clinical information that will allow them to make evidence-based decisions regarding appropriate implant placement protocol in post-extraction sockets.
Temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics / Ravindra Nanda (et al). St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, c2009.
Provides uick access to everything you need to know to begin offering these popular treatment options to your patients, including diagnosis and treatment planning, biomechanical considerations, clinical applications of anchorage device systems, and skeletal anchorage. Over 1,650 full-color clinical photographs and accompanying line drawings. Successful posterior composites / Christopher D. Lynch . London : Quintessence, 2008.
The use of resin composite in posterior restorations is an accepted practice. Resin composite can be regarded as the "material of choice" for restoring many posterior teeth that have been damaged by caries or trauma. This book reviews the most current concepts, presents techniques for successful results, and demonstrates how to avoid common pitfalls.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Prosthodontic procedural technique videos
A collection of videos of procedures and techniques in pre-clinical and fixed prosthodontics on MedEdPORTAL by Ranier M. Adarve, DMD,MS, MHPE, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. In this gallery , the typical lengthy dental procedures are broken into smaller segments and recorded in short clip videos: to enable learners to watch and focus in every step of the complex skills. The video interface also provides the learners the ability to rewind, forward and replay videos clips at their own pace giving the opportunity to rehearse and master the skill.
(Source: MedEdPORTAL, accessed on 2/11/2009)
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Thursday, 29 October 2009
New books received this week
Dental materials at a glance / J. Anthony von Fraunhofer. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa, USA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Covers each major class of dental materials and biomaterials, basic chemical and physical properties, clinical handling and application, and complications and adverse effects of materials for students and dental practitioners wanting to update their materials knowledge.Maxillary sinus surgery and alternatives in treatment / Tiziano Testori (et al). London ; Chicago : Quintessence Pub., c2009.
A new, up-to-date text that brings together the most recent scientific discoveries and innovative clinical protocols for maxillary sinus augmentation as well as possible alternatives to these techniques. An excellent resource for both students and professional clinical experts.
Osseointegration and multidisciplinary treatment / Carlos Eduardo Francischone (et al). Chicago : Quintessence Publishing, c2008.
This comprehensive text details the role of osseointegration in prosthodontic restoration via careful treatment planning and the use of a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. Outlines well-documented modalities that are safe, simple, and predictable. Detection, assessment, diagnosis and monitoring of caries. / edited by Nigel Pitts. Basel ; New York : Karger, c2009.
The International Caries Detection and Assessment System offers clinical criteria, codes, and a framework to support personalized comprehensive caries management for improved long-term health outcome. Based on the ICDAS, this book provides an up-to-date synthesis of the fields of detection, assessment, diagnosis and monitoring of caries.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Informit Health to replace Meditext
Informit Health Collection is now available on our database trials page. The Informit Health Collection will deliver instant cover-to-cover access to core allied health information from the Australasian region. Many of the peer reviewed journal titles it includes are uniquely available through Informit, offering new perspectives of benefit to allied health professionals and students. As with other Informit databases, the Collection also provides access to grey literature such as conference proceedings and reports that are often difficult to locate. Informit Health Collection will replace Meditext on 1 January 2010.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Database Trials, Tips and hints, Trials
Friday, 23 October 2009
3D Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry
Our request for a subscription to this exciting new resource on has been successful. From today 3D Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere. If you are off-campus login remotely with your UniKey. Or login with your name and barcode if you are a honorary academic/clinical tutor. For a true 3D view you need to install a special media player on your computer.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Images, Tips and hints
Thursday, 22 October 2009
New books received this week
Saunders review of dental hygiene / Margaret J. Fehrenbach. 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders,, c2009.
Contains over 60 clinical case studies and 1,500 plus questions. The accompanying CD-ROM includes an electronic, simulated exam as well as other interactive-review activities, and over 60 "testlets" with accompanying questions, answers, and rationales presenting hygiene-specific cases.
Esthetics with resin composite: basics and techniques./ Burkard Hugo. London : Quintessence, c2009.
This book/DVD set demonstrates the diverse treatment options available and the impressive outcomes that can be achieved with the skillful use of the direct resin composite technique.
Osseointegration : on continuing synergies in surgery, prosthodontics, biomaterials. / edited by George A. Zarb (et al). Hanover Park, Ill. ; London : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2008.
Discusses the impact of osseointegration on the clinical practice of dentistry. It presents a compelling assessment of the effectiveness as well as the known shortcomings of implants 25 years after the concept was introduced.Color atlas of dental hygiene. Periodontology. / Herbert F. Wolf (et al). Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme ; c2006.
The effects of periodontal disease upon general systemic health are becoming clearer and this textbook emphasizes a much broader spectrum of new dental and medical knowledge, targeted especially for the dental hygieneists, dental educators, and students.
Monday, 19 October 2009
The new look PubMed
PubMed has a new interface. It looks great, has some nice simple searches, and excellent online tutorials on how to use it. The long awaited preview is now officially available here.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
Thursday, 15 October 2009
New books received this week
Head, face, and neck pain: science, evaluation, and management: an interdisciplinary approach. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
Offers the very latest research and therapeutic information on head, face, and neck pain in a most comprehensive guide and an unique professional reference. Its content adheres strictly to the latest established guidelines for pain management in the medical and dental professions.
Dental practice transition : a practical guide to management. / edited by David G. Dunning. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, c2008.
This book helps readers navigate through options such as starting a practice, associateships, and buying an existing practice with helpful information on business systems, marketing, staffing, and money management.
Applied dental materials / edited by John McCabe. 9th ed, Oxford : Blackwell, 2008.
Covers all aspects of materials science relevant to the practice of dentistry. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate dental students, although it will also be useful for practising dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants. The 9th edition includes the many advances in dental materials and their use that have occurred in the last decade.Oral pathology for the dental hygienist / edited by Olga A.C. Ibsen. 5th ed, St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009.
Learn how to recognize and evaluate the diseases and conditions encountered in dental hygiene practice. This atlas-style text delivers the ideal combination of clinical photographs, radiographs, and discussion to help you identify the appearance of normal and disease states.