New books received this week
NVQs for dental nurses / Carole Hollins. Oxford, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa : Blackwell, 2009.
NVQs for Dental Nurses provides trainee dental nurses with a core companion to the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 3 in Oral Healthcare. The book offers comprehensive support on mandatory units of the course in addition to supplying material on the optional units most common to clinical dentistry.The anatomical basis of dentistry / by Bernard Liebgott. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2010.
Now in full color, this new edition helps you master the essentials of gross anatomy. Complete, accurate coverage highlights the regions of the head and neck that are of clinical relevance. Dental management of the medically compromised patient / by DJames W. Little (et al) St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby Elsevier, c2008.
Ensure your patients' health and safety! Practical guidance helps you determine the severity and stability of common medical disorders in the dental office, so you'll always know how to proceed to provide the best possible care and avoid complications. Delmar's dental assisting video series. Clifton Park, N.Y. : Thomson Delmar Learning, c2006.
This set of 2 DVDs is a great resource for training Dental Assistants. Contents: Disc 1. pt. 1: Introduction to Chairside Assisting; pt. 2: Dental Radiography; pt. 3: Infection Control Techniques. -- Disc 2. pt. 4: Restorative Dental Materials; pt. 5: Laboratory Impression, Materials & Techniques.