New books received this week
Orofacial pain / edited by Joanna M. Zakrzewska. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
This concise handbook takes an evidence-based psychosocial approach to the management of patients with pain in the face or mouth and provides basic guidelines to facilitate care quickly in the clinical setting. The book will serve as a useful guide for dental practitioners and specialists in orofacial pain.Infection control for the dental team / by Michael V. Martin (et al). London : Quintessence, 2009.
Infection control is central to the clinical practice of dentistry. This book deals with infection control risk, medical histories and personal protection, surgery design and equipment, instrument decontamination, disinfection and ethical and legal responsibilities in infection control.
Immunology interactive Version 3.0./ by D. Male, J. Brostoff and I. Roitt. London : Mosby, c2002.
Combines the expertise of leading immunologists and animators to deliver the most dynamic visual overview of the human immune system available. It introduces immunology through 3-D animations and lectures with supporting text, illustrations, molecular models and video clips. Also includes 200 multiple choice questions for self-assessment. Removable partial dentures: a clinician's guide. / John D. Jones. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
A highly practical step-by-step guide for the diagnosis, treatment planning, and manufacture of removable partial prostheses. Through its systematic approach, the book demystifies the clinical practice of these procedures, providing the practitioner with essential information on this common modality for partially edentulous patients.