New books received this week
Mosby's orthodontic review / edited by Jeryl D. English (et al). St. Louis : Mosby Elsevier, c2009.
With a concise, focused review of orthodontic concepts and current clinical information, including diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical treatment, this book will help you achieve the best results for success on competency examinations as well as excellent clinical outcomes.
Professionalism and ethics: a guide for dental care professionals. / Fiona Stuart-Wilson. London : Quay Books, M A Healthcare Ltd., 2009.
This book will help all dental care professionals understand and interpret the General Dental Council guidance on the Standards for Dental Care professionals, and the practical implications of interpreting them. Current therapy in orthodontics / edited by Ravindra Nanda (et al). St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2009.
Orthodontics as it relates to optimal patient therapy and care from diagnosis and treatment planning, the management of sagittal and vertical discrepancies, and the management of adult and complex cases to the application of biomedicine in orthodontic treatment.Essentials in piezosurgery: clinical advantages in dentistry. / Tomaso Vercellotti. Milan ; Chicago : Quintessence, c2009.
A summary of the clinical benefits of Piezoelectric bone surgery in dentistry, implantology and oral surgery. Presents the clinical advantages of using Piezosurgery over traditional instruments for tooth extraction, ridge expansion, sinus lifting, bone grafting and clinical crown lengthening.