On open access publishing
Remember Jane, the journal/author name estimator which helps you decide which journal you should submit your paper to? Now here are some websites that may support you with retaining some rights in your intellectual output instead of handing them all over to the publishers.
Sherpa Romeo Here you can do a search by journal title to find out if the journal is published by a green, blue, yellow or white publisher:
Green publishers - allowing archiving of both pre-prints and post-prints
Blue publishers - allowing archiving of post-prints but not pre-prints
Yellow publishers - allowing archiving of pre-prints but not post-prints
White publishers - no archiving allowed SPARC Practical guidance when submitting journal articles. Here you will also find a SPARC sample addendum. SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.
Six things a researcher needs to know about OA in SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #94, February 2, 2006.