New books received this week
Head, face, and neck pain: science, evaluation, and management: an interdisciplinary approach. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
Offers the very latest research and therapeutic information on head, face, and neck pain in a most comprehensive guide and an unique professional reference. Its content adheres strictly to the latest established guidelines for pain management in the medical and dental professions.
Dental practice transition : a practical guide to management. / edited by David G. Dunning. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, c2008.
This book helps readers navigate through options such as starting a practice, associateships, and buying an existing practice with helpful information on business systems, marketing, staffing, and money management.
Applied dental materials / edited by John McCabe. 9th ed, Oxford : Blackwell, 2008.
Covers all aspects of materials science relevant to the practice of dentistry. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate dental students, although it will also be useful for practising dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants. The 9th edition includes the many advances in dental materials and their use that have occurred in the last decade.Oral pathology for the dental hygienist / edited by Olga A.C. Ibsen. 5th ed, St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009.
Learn how to recognize and evaluate the diseases and conditions encountered in dental hygiene practice. This atlas-style text delivers the ideal combination of clinical photographs, radiographs, and discussion to help you identify the appearance of normal and disease states.