New books received this week
Saunders review of dental hygiene / Margaret J. Fehrenbach. 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders,, c2009.
Contains over 60 clinical case studies and 1,500 plus questions. The accompanying CD-ROM includes an electronic, simulated exam as well as other interactive-review activities, and over 60 "testlets" with accompanying questions, answers, and rationales presenting hygiene-specific cases.
Esthetics with resin composite: basics and techniques./ Burkard Hugo. London : Quintessence, c2009.
This book/DVD set demonstrates the diverse treatment options available and the impressive outcomes that can be achieved with the skillful use of the direct resin composite technique.
Osseointegration : on continuing synergies in surgery, prosthodontics, biomaterials. / edited by George A. Zarb (et al). Hanover Park, Ill. ; London : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2008.
Discusses the impact of osseointegration on the clinical practice of dentistry. It presents a compelling assessment of the effectiveness as well as the known shortcomings of implants 25 years after the concept was introduced.Color atlas of dental hygiene. Periodontology. / Herbert F. Wolf (et al). Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme ; c2006.
The effects of periodontal disease upon general systemic health are becoming clearer and this textbook emphasizes a much broader spectrum of new dental and medical knowledge, targeted especially for the dental hygieneists, dental educators, and students.