New books received this week
Endodontology / Michael A. Baumann. 2nd ed. Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme, c2010.
Endodontology is an essential resource for all students, practicing endodontists as well as any dentist who must have a full understanding of modern techniques and approaches. It also serves as an excellent tool with which to educate patients about their treatment options.
Topics in dental biochemistry / Martin Levine. Berlin ; London : Springer, 2011.
Topics in Dental Biochemistry is primarily designed for students of dentistry who need to relate biochemistry and molecular biology to dentally related topics in physiology, nutrition, anatomy, histology, microbiology, and immunology. Radiography and radiology for dental care professionals / Eric Whaites. 2nd ed. Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2009.
Offering a clear, easy-to-follow, comprehensive account of all aspects of dental radiography essential to this group of professionals, this book is an important resource that renders it essential reading, particularly for those undertaking examinations in Dental Radiography.