New books received this week
Patient assessment tutorials: a step-by-step guide for the dental hygienist. / Jill S. Neild-Gehrig. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
This textbook guides dental hygiene students through the process of patient assessment, covering both the actual physical assessment and effective patient communication. All skills presented in the book are detailed in a highly visual, step-by-step style.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' dental drug reference with clinical implications / Frieda Atherton Pickett. 2nd ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2010.
This book focuses on drugs that you’re likely to encounter reviewing a patient’s medical history as well as drugs that are prescribed for the management of orodental pain, oral infections, and common mucocutaneous conditions.Oral pharmacology for the dental hygienist / Mea A. Weinberg. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008.
A comprehensive oral pharmacology book that reviews the principles of pharmacology and their application to dental hygiene practice. Extremely practical, this book discusses many oral manifestations of drugs that the dental hygiene student should be aware of.Cone beam CT of the head and neck: an anatomical atlas. / Chung How Kau. Heidelberg : Springer, c2011.
'Cone Beam CT of the Head and Neck' presents normal anatomy of the head using photographs of cadavers and CBCT images in sagittal, axial and coronal planes with the anatomic structures and landmarks clearly labelled.
Training for carers: oral care for people with special needs [DVD] / Sydney N.S.W. : Sydney West Area Health Service, NSW Health.
Two discs containing basic introduction to oral care for people with special needs, oral condition and hygiene, nutrition and healthy teeth. An educational tool for carers, parents or for the general public.Nutrition for a healthy mouth / Rebecca Sroda. 2nd ed. New York ; London : Springer, 2010.
Written specifically for dental hygiene students, this text provides a solid foundation in basic nutrition and diet information, emphasizes the relationship between nutrition and diet to oral health, and provides information on nutrition and dietary patient counseling.