Recently purchased e-books
The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth / Adrian Becker. 2nd ed., Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Healthcare, 2007.
In the orthodontic/surgical treatment modality for impacted teeth, there is considerable difference of opinion and controversies within the two disciplines regarding what is good practice and what is bad. The text discusses all aspects of the problem.
Oral microbiology at a glance / Richard J. Lamont (et al). Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Covers oral microbial origins of health or disease, various infections ranging from dental caries, periodontal and endodontic infections to oral mucosal, bone, and systemic infections, local and systemic extensions of oral infections, as well as sterilization & disinfection Local anaesthesia in dentistry. / J.A. Baart, H.S. Brand (ed). Oxford ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Description: A practical guide to this essential area of dentistry originally published in Dutch. It provides clear guidance to the administration of local anaesthesia, introduces students to the concept of nerve conduction and pain, and explains the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve.Panoramic radiology: seminars on maxillofacial imaging and interpretation. / Allan G. Farman(ed). Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2007.
Panoramic radiology systems are currently being used in more practices than at other any time in the past. The practitioner now has decisions to make regarding detector technology selection for image acquisition and must remain informed about appropriate usage. This book is applicable to all panoramic dental images and equipment. It approaches panoramic radiology usage in the context of general and specialty applications.