New books received this week
Solutions for dental esthetics: the natural look. / Toyohiko Hidaka. London ; Chicago : Quintessence, c2008.
This book is inspired by a passion for the natural principles of aesthetics in dentistry. Fractures of the mandibular condyle: basic considerations and treatment. / Johannes Kleinheinz (ed). London : IBRA/Quintessence, 2009.
Provides an excellent overview of current knowledge on the principles and strategies for treatment of condylar fractures. The latest findings of biomechanics research and their implications for treatment practice are portrayed in numerous illustrations and discussed in detail.
Guidelines for adhesive dentistry: the key to success / Francesco Mangani. London : Quintessence Publishing, c2009.
This book presents an innovative approach to teaching operative dentistry, providing professionals as well as students of dentistry with the concepts and procedures inherent to conservative dentistry.
Clinical success in bone surgery with ultrasonic devices / Marie Grace Poblete-Michel. Paris ; Chicago : Quintessence Publishing, c2009.
This book presents essentially the practical applications of powerful ultrasonic devices through its technical and surgical aspects. It aims to inform practitioners on the indications, effects and limits of this recent technique by including new protocols.Cottone's practical infection control in dentistry / John A. Molinari 3rd ed., Baltimore, Md.: Lippincott William & Wilkins, c2010.
A primary, comprehensive infection control text for students in the dental professions. Using the latest scientific and clinical evidence and current infection control guidelines, the book presents easy-to-follow protocols as components of a basic infection control routine.