New books received today
McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics / Alan B. Carr, David T. Brown. 12th ed., St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2011.
This textbook provides the information you need to successfully manage the replacement of missing teeth. It covers the basic principles of treatment planning and design, and discusses the newest techniques, procedures, and equipment.Statements: diagnostics and therapy in dental medicine today and in the future. / edited by Jean-François Roulet (et al). Berlin ; London : Quintessenz, c2009.
This book is divided into three parts. The first is a trip through dentistry. In the second part, the focus is on technologies. The third and final part is a look into the future, seen from a technological stance.
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic orofacial pain / Ronald S. Brown (et al) 2nd ed., Hamilton, Ont. ; Lewiston, NY : B.C. Decker, 2008.
This new edition is a quick reference for the dental professional managing the orofacial pain patient, focusing on differential diagnoses and current therapies. The monograph promotes a comprehensive and logical model of managing chronic orofacial pain. The SAC classification in implant dentistry / edited by A. Dawson (et al). Berlin ; Chicago : Quintessence Pub, c2009.
In 2007 the ITI organized a conference to standardize the application of the SAC classification, the conclusions of which are presented in this volume.The SAC Classification categorizes implant treatment procedures into three levels of difficulty straightforward, advanced, and complex. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop of Evidence Based Dentistry on Lasers in Dentistry / Norbert Gutknecht (ed). London : Quintessence, c2007.
The purpose of this workshop was to discuss the basic aspects of Laser Dentistry as well as the clinical practice of Laser Dentistry. The proceedings of this workshop cover the literature reviews, the reports and the consensus statements made for each session at the end of the workshop.