Top 10 e-books
Would you like to know which Stat!REF e-books were most popular in the last 12 months? Here is the list in descending order:
1. Oral pathology / J.V. Soames and J.C. Southam.
2. Endodontics / John I. Ingle, Leif K. Bakland, J. Craig Baumgartner.
3. Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry / David A. Mitchell and Laura Mitchell.
4. Dental materials and their selection / William J. O'Brien (Ed).
5. Critical decisions in periodontology / Walter B. Hall (Ed).
6. Burket's oral medicine / by Martin S. Greenberg (Ed).
7. Essentials of microbiology for dental students / Jeremy Bagg.
8. Peterson's principles of oral & maxillofacial surgery / Michael Miloro (Ed).
9. Oral and maxillofacial pathology / Robert E. Marx, Diane Stern.
10 Bell's orofacial pains / Jeffrey P. Okeson.
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