New books received this week
Dental anatomy coloring book / edited by Margaret J. Fehrenbach. St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders Elsevier, c2008.
Description: This book helps you learn different structures and tests your knowledge of anatomy in a unique coloring book format. Numbered leader lines clearly identify the structures to be colored and correspond to a numbered list appearing below the illustration and make it easy to see the dental anatomy.The literature review: a step-by-step guide for students. / Diana Ridley. London : SAGE, 2008.
Description: A concise step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and writing up the literature review chapter in Masters dissertations and in Ph.D. and professional doctorate theses. This is an accessible, pragmatic and highly practical resource that will be welcomed by postgraduate students of any discipline.Introduction to human anatomy and physiology / Eldra Pearl Solomon. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009.
Description: This practical textbook introduces you to basic anatomy and physiology covering need-to-know principles with real-world examples that make key concepts easy to understand. Its logically organized into 17 chapters that each explores a particular body system.