New books received this week
Introduction to metal-ceramic technology / W. Patrick Naylor. 2nd ed. Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2009.
Description: This is an introductory-level, skill-oriented technical guide to fabricating metal ceramic dental restorations. The book includes information on porcelain firing schedules, a list of suitable equipment, instruments and materials.The literature review: six steps to success. / by Lawrence A. Machi. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c2009.
Description: A book on developing and writing an effective literature review for a research project, thesis, or dissertation. Organized around a comprehensive and detailed six-step developmental model, it provides guided exercises, graphics, charts, and examples from the everyday experiences of researchers.Langman's medical embryology. / Thomas W. Sadler. 11th ed. Baltimore, Md. : Lippincott William & Wilkins,, c2010.
Description: The new edition of this classic text covers all aspects of embryology of interest to medical, nursing, and health professions students. It features outstanding full-colour illustrations, clinical images and photographs.Practical lessons in endodontic treatment. / Donald E. Arens [et al.] Chicago : Quintessence Books, c2009.
Description: Offers expert guidance to clinicians who have limited experience in the nonsurgical procedures involved in root canal therapy. Synthesizing the very latest clinical concepts and technologies with tried-and-true traditional treatment methods, it introduces readers to the challenges associated with nonsurgical endodontics.