More new books received this week
Esthetics with resin composite: basics and techniques / Burkard Hugo. London : Quintessence, c2009.
This book/DVD set demonstrates the diverse treatment options available and the impressive outcomes that can be achieved with the skillful use of the direct resin composite technique. The book shows how highly esthetic direct resin composite restorations can be created in the anterior dentition using a minimally invasive approach.Food constituents and oral health: current status and future prospects. / Michael Wilson (ed). Boca Raton : CRC Press ; Oxford : Woodhead Publishing, 2009.
Examines oral conditions and diseases with specific chapters assessing bacterial, viral and fungal infections, and effects of specific foods and food components including sugar alcohols and antioxidants. Discusses the development of foods and supplements for oral health and oral healthcare products. Cone-beam volumetric imaging in dental, oral and maxillofacial medicine: fundamentals, diagnostics and treatment planning / Joachim E. Zöller. London : Quintessence, c2008.
Modern dental diagnostics has always depended on x-ray technology. The demands for minimally invasive surgical procedures have led to widespread use of digital volume tomography (CBVI) in dental medicine.Endodontic microbiology / edited by Ashraf F. Fouad. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, c2009.
Thoroughly examines the expanding and evolving body of knowledge about endodontic microbiology. Topics covered include primary localized and spreading infections, persistent and resistant microorganisms, virulence factors, effective antimicrobials agents and strategies and systemic dissemination of endodontic microorganisms.Esthetic clinical case studies: dilemmas and solutions. / Irfan Ahmad. London ; Chicago : Quintessence Pub., c2009.
This beautifully illustrated book addresses common challenges in the esthetic zone. Focusing on the anterior dentition, the author demonstrates how a systematic, evidenced-based approach can transform esthetic dilemmas into solutions. The pros and cons of various treatment options are presented in the comprehensive planning of each case.