Friday, 12 September 2014

New books received this week

Local anesthesia for dental professionals / Kathy B. Bassett. 2nd ed, Pearson: Boston, 2014.

For courses in Pain Control, Local Anesthesia in Dentistry, and Nitrous Oxide Sedation (minimal sedation) in Dentistry. Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2/e provides a user-friendly, primary resource for instructors and students of pain control. This text is appropriate for both dental and dental hygiene students and provides step-by-step instructions that are also useful to practicing clinicians seeking to improve their skills or learn new injection techniques. In addition to the superb illustrations, step-by-step approach, and easy-to-understand language established in the first edition, the new second edition includes both local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation. Extensive online resources and a companion technique DVD augment this text, providing a comprehensive resource for students and dental professionals.

DentEssentials: high-yield NBDE part 1 review / Michael S. Manley (ed). 4th ed. New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2012.

For first- and second-year dental students, dentEssentials is an invaluable go-to companion for use with textbooks and course materials. With more than 80 illustrations, this book provides broad instruction across multiple disciplines in a thorough compendium of all dental matters. dentEssentials organizes its material into three sections: general principles of basic science, organic systems, and dental anatomy. The book uses bold charts, pictures, diagrams, and lists to supplement dental science concepts, and acts as a complement to organ system and discipline-based curricula. Images of the human mouth and teeth are labeled in detail. All dental students are required to take the NBDE to either gain licensure or apply to advanced postgraduate studies.

Global healthcare volunteer's handbook: what you need to know before you go./ Kenneth V. Iserson. Tucson, AZ: Galen Press, 2014.

Nuts-and-bolts information for physicians, dentists, advance-practice nurses and other healthcare professionals about the professional and personal challenges they may face when practicing internationally. Includes what you need to know about: how to find compatible organizations licensing & credentialing travel documents, money & customs regulations food, housing, showers, & toilets personal health issues communicating from abroad security concerns packing using interpreter dealing with culture shock in a foreign country "reverse culture shock" upon returning home Also has an extensive list and description of organizations and their desired healthcare personnel.