Friday, 22 August 2014

Two new books and one e-book

Color atlas of fixed prosthodontics, Vol.1 / Yoshiyuki Hagiwara. Tokyo: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd, 2013.

This book reviews practical solutions to clinical problems in prosthodontics and emphasizes the fundamentals necessary to elicit efficiency and success with every prosthetic protocol. The author demonstrates each step of prosthetic rehabilitation, starting with accurate impression taking, cast preparation and articulation, record taking, and thorough treatment planning. The sequences for fixed prosthodontic restorations are detailed in both arches for posterior full-coverage crowns, anterior porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, and porcelain laminate veneers.

Clinical primer: a pocket guide for dental assistants /Melanie Mitchell. 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

Clinical Primer is a pocket guide for dental assisting students for quick reference and review of fundamental clinical skills and knowledge. This book is used while in clinical courses, during clinical internships, as a review companion to clinical courses, and is a resource for the student to take with them to their first job.

Advances in calcium phosphate biomaterials - E-book /Besim Ben-Nissan (ed). Berlin: Springer, 2014.

New-generation calcium phosphate scaffolds are designed to stimulate specific cellular responses in the nanoscale level utilising biogenic additives such as bone morphogenic proteins and stem cells to help release the ionic dissolution products and activate the cells in contact with the biomaterials. The authors aimed in this book to bring these new concepts, mechanisms and methods to researchers and clinicians