Friday, 21 November 2014

Just received

Evidence-based dentistry for the dental hygienist/ Julie Frantsve-Hawley. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing, 2014.

Like any other dental professional, dental hygienists must practice evidence-based dentistry (EBD) to provide the best care to their patients, whether it be through scaling and root planing, caries prevention, or patient education. This book is intended as a textbook for dental hygienists to learn the importance of EBD in the practice of dental hygiene as well as how to implement EBD practices and share EBD findings among office staff. As the dental knowledge base evolves and scientific discoveries are made, dental hygienists must understand how to seek out and evaluate findings and, if appropriate, apply them in their clinical practice, and this book provides all the necessary tools to do just that.

Friday, 24 October 2014

New books. No.1 is an eBook, No.3 is print & electronic

Ultrasonic periodontal debridement: theory and technique. / Marie D. George. Ames, Iowa: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2014.

This is the first textbook to focus exclusively on this fundamentally important component of periodontal therapy. George, Donley, and Preshaw provide a comprehensive resource for dental students, dental hygiene and therapy students, and periodontal residents, as well as practicing dental hygienists and dentists who are looking to increase their familiarity and skills with ultrasonic instrumentation.

Local anesthesia for dental professionals / Kathy B. Bassett. 2nd ed, Pearson: Boston, 2014.

The 2nd edition provides a user-friendly, primary resource for instructors and students of pain control. This text is appropriate for both dental and dental hygiene students and provides step-by-step instructions that are also useful to practicing clinicians seeking to improve their skills or learn new injection techniques. In addition to the superb illustrations, step-by-step approach, and easy-to-understand language established in the first edition, the new second edition includes both local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation.

Basic methods for assessment of renal fluoride excretion in community prevention programmes for oral health/ Geneva: World Health Organization, 2014.

This manual informs about practical procedures in assessment of renal fluoride excretion based on experience from existing national fluoridation programs. The assessment tools will primarily be useful in assisting countries in achieving an effective fluoride exposure. It is a hope that the manual will stimulate oral health personnel and public health administrators to use a systematic approach for managing and analyzing data obtained from different levels of fluoride exposure. Finally, the manual encourages inter-country collaboration on surveillance systems for community programs using fluoride for prevention of dental caries.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Two new perio books we just received

Carranza's clinical periodontology /Michael G. Newman (ed). 12th ed, St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier, 2014.

The 12th edition includes the most current periodontal information from basic science and fundamental procedures to the latest advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy. This text not only shows how to perform periodontal procedures, it describes how to best manage the outcomes and explains the evidence supporting each treatment. Covering all the information found on the National Board Exams in the US, this edition is a perfect choice for dental education programs and students.

Manual of clinical periodontics /Francis G. Serio. 4th ed., Hudson, Ohio: Lexicomp, 2014.

This visually cued manual is designed as a practical reference for general dentists, dental hygienists, and students. It is useful in both clinical and educational settings. Organized by basic principles of periodontics, the Manual of Clinical Periodontics presents information in a question-and-answer, bulleted format and offers straightforward approaches to periodontal diseases, diagnosis, and therapy options, including sample treatment plans. Updates to this edition: New 4-color photographs, radiographs, line drawings, and illustrations added. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging. Updated techniques and considerations in implant dentistry. Enhanced chapters on principles, assessment, diagnosis, treatments and therapies, and prevention of periodontal disease.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Just received

Dental materials: properties and manipulation / John M. Powers. 10th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby, 2013.

Focusing on the dental materials most commonly used, this 10th Edition covers the tasks that dental assistants and dental hygienists typically perform. It shows the most current materials, how to mix and apply them in a clinical setting, and how to educate patients about them. Now in full color, this edition adds more photographs of materials actually being mixed, used, and applied, and includes detailed coverage of ceramics, metals, and implant and impression materials.

Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease / Vinay Kumar (ed).9th ed, Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier/Saunders, 2014. [Also available as an e-book]

Dependable, current, and complete, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition is the perennially best-selling text that you will use long after your student days are behind you. A world-class author team headed by Drs. Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, and Jon Aster, delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. High-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more.

Friday, 12 September 2014

New books received this week

Local anesthesia for dental professionals / Kathy B. Bassett. 2nd ed, Pearson: Boston, 2014.

For courses in Pain Control, Local Anesthesia in Dentistry, and Nitrous Oxide Sedation (minimal sedation) in Dentistry. Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2/e provides a user-friendly, primary resource for instructors and students of pain control. This text is appropriate for both dental and dental hygiene students and provides step-by-step instructions that are also useful to practicing clinicians seeking to improve their skills or learn new injection techniques. In addition to the superb illustrations, step-by-step approach, and easy-to-understand language established in the first edition, the new second edition includes both local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation. Extensive online resources and a companion technique DVD augment this text, providing a comprehensive resource for students and dental professionals.

DentEssentials: high-yield NBDE part 1 review / Michael S. Manley (ed). 4th ed. New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2012.

For first- and second-year dental students, dentEssentials is an invaluable go-to companion for use with textbooks and course materials. With more than 80 illustrations, this book provides broad instruction across multiple disciplines in a thorough compendium of all dental matters. dentEssentials organizes its material into three sections: general principles of basic science, organic systems, and dental anatomy. The book uses bold charts, pictures, diagrams, and lists to supplement dental science concepts, and acts as a complement to organ system and discipline-based curricula. Images of the human mouth and teeth are labeled in detail. All dental students are required to take the NBDE to either gain licensure or apply to advanced postgraduate studies.

Global healthcare volunteer's handbook: what you need to know before you go./ Kenneth V. Iserson. Tucson, AZ: Galen Press, 2014.

Nuts-and-bolts information for physicians, dentists, advance-practice nurses and other healthcare professionals about the professional and personal challenges they may face when practicing internationally. Includes what you need to know about: how to find compatible organizations licensing & credentialing travel documents, money & customs regulations food, housing, showers, & toilets personal health issues communicating from abroad security concerns packing using interpreter dealing with culture shock in a foreign country "reverse culture shock" upon returning home Also has an extensive list and description of organizations and their desired healthcare personnel.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Two new books and one e-book

Color atlas of fixed prosthodontics, Vol.1 / Yoshiyuki Hagiwara. Tokyo: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd, 2013.

This book reviews practical solutions to clinical problems in prosthodontics and emphasizes the fundamentals necessary to elicit efficiency and success with every prosthetic protocol. The author demonstrates each step of prosthetic rehabilitation, starting with accurate impression taking, cast preparation and articulation, record taking, and thorough treatment planning. The sequences for fixed prosthodontic restorations are detailed in both arches for posterior full-coverage crowns, anterior porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, and porcelain laminate veneers.

Clinical primer: a pocket guide for dental assistants /Melanie Mitchell. 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

Clinical Primer is a pocket guide for dental assisting students for quick reference and review of fundamental clinical skills and knowledge. This book is used while in clinical courses, during clinical internships, as a review companion to clinical courses, and is a resource for the student to take with them to their first job.

Advances in calcium phosphate biomaterials - E-book /Besim Ben-Nissan (ed). Berlin: Springer, 2014.

New-generation calcium phosphate scaffolds are designed to stimulate specific cellular responses in the nanoscale level utilising biogenic additives such as bone morphogenic proteins and stem cells to help release the ionic dissolution products and activate the cells in contact with the biomaterials. The authors aimed in this book to bring these new concepts, mechanisms and methods to researchers and clinicians

Monday, 11 August 2014

New books just received

Hall's critical decisions in periodontology and dental implantology / Lisa A. Harpenau (ed). 5th ed., Shelton, Connecticut: People's Medical Publishing House-USA, 2013.

This book is designed to guide students and practitioners in applying their decision-making knowledge in a structured and logical manner whether in diagnosis, treatment selections and options, procedures in various treatments, or evaluating outcomes. It is organized by clinical problems, all designed to help you make on-target decisions for optimal outcomes and provides information on new techniques in periodontal therapy.

Dancing hands : deductions and prescriptions of working methods, skills, assistance, teamwork, precision vision, working postures, equipment and organization in dental practice /Herluf Skovsgaard. London: Quintessence Publishing, 2013.

Quality and performance in dental practice depend on well-trained hands, and this book presents a new paradigm in manual training for dentists and assistants. Manual abilities are a fundamental part of clinical competence and are essential to chairside teamwork in the dental treatment room. However, acquiring this complex competence is too often left to individual experience and bad habits set over time. This book establishes a standard for manual competence, which can be learned and trained. The author outlines the 12 basic principles that underscore the postures, movements, and communication elements necessary to support the best working methods. The dos and don.ts of practice, posture, and positioning equipment are all here.

Dental materials: a pocket guide /Kimberly G. Bastin. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2014.

Use this quick guide to learn the essentials of dental materials. This guide describes how to recognize, select, and mix the most widely used materials in modern dentistry. A flip-book format covers each dental material in two pages, with the first page showing photos of the material before and after mixing, and the facing page including step-by-step mixing and use instructions. This compact, spiral-bound guide is ideal for on-the-go study or chairside reference.

Monday, 21 July 2014

New books received last week

Dental assisting instrument guide / Phinney, Donna J. 2nd ed., Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning 2015.

This 2nd ddition is the ideal pocket study guide, presenting the numerous instruments used in modern dentistry, along with proper functions, parts, and tray set-ups. Instruments for all practice areas are covered in detail, alongside supporting hundreds of color photos that make memorization easy. Compact and organized for quick reference, it provides the fundamental instrument knowledge dental assistants need for success in the ever-changing field of dentistry.

Dental instruments: a pocket guide /Linda R. Bartolomucci Boyd. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders, 2015.

Learn to confidently recognize and manage more than 300 dental instruments with Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 5th Edition. A unique flashcard-style format pairs descriptions with high-quality photographs and illustrations. A pocket-sized, spiral-bound format makes for quick reference. This edition also features content a new chapter on patient monitoring equipment and new content on facebow equipment, dental imaging devices, nitrous oxide equipment, and more to support expanded duties in dental assisting. New chapter on Patient Monitoring Equipment covers electrocardiography, capnography, and new artwork features images of the latest equipment models along with a significant increase in the number of "in-use" photos.

The dental hygienist's guide to nutritional care /Cynthia A. Stegeman. 4th ed., St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders, 2015.

This 4th edition is specifically tailored to address relevant nutritional concerns for both practicing hygienists and dental hygiene students alike. Written by an author team with experience in both disciplines, this full-color text offers a balanced and comprehensive view of how nutrition affects dental health. In addition to basic nutritional advice relevant for dental hygienists, coverage also includes current nutritional concerns, such as high-protein diets, bottled water versus tap water, the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and the new graphic and food guidance system.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Books received this week

Dental hygiene: theory and practice /Michele Leonardi Darby (ed). 4th ed., Philadelphia: Saunders, 2015.

Emphasizing evidence-based research and clinical competencies, this 4th edition provides easy-to-understand coverage of the dental hygienist's roles and responsibilities in today's practice. It offers a clear approach to science and theory, a step-by-step guide to core dental hygiene procedures, and realistic scenarios to help you develop skills in decision-making.

Comprehensive periodontics for the dental hygienist /Mea A. Weinberg (ed). 4th ed., Boston: Pearson, 2015.

This 4th edition provides concise coverage of the foundations of periodontics. It is a helpful introduction for dental hygiene students and a valuable resource for practicing hygienists. Coverage includes the clinical aspects of periodontics, including surgical and nonsurgical procedures, and presents material in a clear and accessible format. Anchored in evidence-based learning, chapters provide simple explanations of many of the complexities of the dental disease process and provide clear links to practical aspects of therapy.

The long climb: from barber-surgeons to doctors of dental surgery /Philias Roy Garant. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, 2013.

Unlike other books on the history of dentistry, this book outlines the personal struggles endured and victories achieved by the leading personalities of dentistry during its development from antiquity to the present. It showcases the courage and determination of dentistry's pioneers while exposing the episodes of weakness and dishonesty that tarnished the image of the dentist. It highlights the controversies surrounding major advances in dentistry such as gold versus amalgam fillings materials, operative versus mechanical dentistry, the relationship between medicine and dentistry, and the restriction of practice imposed by patents.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Books received this week

Bell's oral and facial pain /Jeffrey P. Okeson. 7th ed., Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., 2014.

Pain, especially chronic pain, is a major health care problem, a fact that has precipitated a recent dramatic expansion in pain-related research efforts. This revised edition of Dr Welden Bell’s classic text has been updated to incorporate the latest findings from these studies, including advanced understanding of the neurophysiology and central processing of pain and the resulting changes to diagnostic, classification, and treatment guidelines.

The oral-systemic health connection: a guide to patient care /Michael Glick (ed). Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2014.

This book gathers the latest scientific information on the associations between the oral environment and overall health. With careful analysis, the authors weigh the latest evidence about the relationships between oral infections and systemic diseases and conditions such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, pulmonary disease, inflammation, obesity, and complications of pregnancy. Other chapters focus on cutting-edge research into areas such as infectious disease screening, bioinformatics, targeted cancer therapies, and salivary diagnostics.

Orthodontic setup /Giuseppe Scuzzo ( Milan: Quintessenza Edizioni, 2014.

The authors have set out to describe the procedures used in the construction and evaluation of a setup that can be used both for diagnostic purposes and to manufacture customized orthodontic appliances. The manual and digital tools currently available to professionals in this field are discussed, with a particular focus on the recent developments in CAD/CAM bracket-positioning technology.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Recent arrivals

Orthodontic and surgical management of impacted teeth /Vincent G. Kokich (et al). Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc., 2014.

Impacted teeth are a commonplace encounter in dental practice, yet currently there is not a comprehensive book detailing the surgical treatments and orthodontic therapy to erupt or manage these teeth. This text covers the various types of impactions an orthodontist and surgeon will encounter, including maxillary central incisors, maxillary canines (both labially and palatally impacted), mandibular canines, premolars, and mandibular molars. Each chapter focuses on a specific impacted tooth and how it can be surgically uncovered and orthodontically moved. The book also presents a chapter on failed cases, explaining what went wrong and how to prevent such negative outcomes when treating similar cases.

Surgical and radiologic anatomy for oral implantology /Louie Al-Faraje. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2013.

Anatomical textbooks and atlases often fail to meet the clinical demands of defining intraoperative structures for oral implantologists because of the overwhelmingly detailed minutia. Because certain anatomical landmarks are hard to illustrate in a diagram format, students and professionals can be confused when confronted with actual specimens in the dissecting room or in the operatory. This book, however, shows the structures of the maxilla, the mandible, and the nasal cavity as they actually exist in the dissected or live body, through the presentation of cadaver specimens and clinical cases.

ITI treatment guide. Vol 7. Ridge augmentation procedures in implant patients: A staged approach. /D. Buser (ed). Berlin: Quintessence, 2014.

Volume 7 provides clinicians with the latest evidence-based information on the techniques and materials used for ridge augmentation, specifically in preparation for delayed implant placement. The authors review the limitations and contraindications, explain the recommended surgical approaches, and review the management of complications. Twelve clinical cases demonstrate the planning and treatment principles required to successfully rehabilitate patients with varying degrees of ridge atrophy.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

New e-books received this week

Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice /Jevon, Philip. 2nd ed, Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.

A must-have book for all dental care professionals and general dentists. Written in a clear and accessible style, this second edition has been fully revised and updated in line with the latest guidelines. Chapters cover such key topics as the ABCDE approach to patient assessment, resuscitation equipment, respiratory and cardiac disorders, paediatric emergencies, and legal and ethical issues. Readers will also find two brand new chapters on the principles of first aid, and drugs for medical emergencies.

Diabetes Mellitus and Oral Health: An Interprofessional Approach. / Lamster, Ira B. Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.

A practical tool for dentists and dental hygienists providing oral health care to patients with diabetes mellitus. Firmly grounded in the latest evidence, the book addresses medical considerations, dental considerations, and case scenarios from clinical practice in three easily accessible sections. The first section on medical considerations reviews the definition of diabetes and discusses underlying pathologic mechanisms, classification, diagnosis, and medical complications of the disease. It also promotes the comprehensive management of patients with diabetes in the dental office, with a thorough discussion of lifestyle changes and medications used to treat diabetes. The second section on dental considerations provides guidance on how treat patients with diabetes. Oral complications will be covered in detail, with a focus on management and treatment strategies that can be used in the dental office. The third section includes multiple case studies illustrating common complications and how-to instruction on appropriate patient management.

Open-bite malocclusion: treatment and stability. / Guilherme Janson (ed). Hoboken: Wiley, 2013.

Presents the etiology, treatment, and its stability of anterior open bite malocclusion in the early, mixed, and permanent dentitions. Special emphasis is devoted to orthodontic treatment and its stability in the permanent dentition because this is the time when treatment of open bite presents greater relapse. Appropriate for clinicians, orthodontic residents, and dental students, Open-Bite Malocclusion covers the most simple treatment approaches to the most complex, from orthodontic devices to tooth extraction to surgery.

Forensic Odontology: An Essential Guide./ Adams, Catherine. Hoboken: Wiley, 2013.

An invaluable book for those needing an introduction to the subject for the general dental practitioner who has an interest in forensic dentistry and is contemplating practicing in the field. It will also be useful as a reference during practice. After a brief introduction the book covers dental anatomy and development, expert witness skills, mortuary practice, dental human identification, disaster victim identification, dental age assessment, bite marks, forensic photography and the role of the forensic odontologist in protection of the vulnerable person. Chapters outline accepted and recommended practices and refer to particular methodologies, presenting different schools of thought objectively.

Friday, 9 May 2014

New books received this week

Oral health surveys: basic methods. / W.H.O. 5th ed, Geneva: World Health Organization, 2013.

This manual encourages countries to conduct standardized oral health surveys that are comparable internationally. The manual provides guidelines for assessing the current oral health status of a population and the future needs for oral health intervention. Oral diseases are among the most prevalent non-communicable diseases and major components of the global burden of disease. The key risk factors are common to chronic and oral diseases. Guidelines are presented for risk factors assessment. The WHO approach can facilitate the incorporation of oral health into national health surveillance systems. Surveillance of oral health over time and monitoring of programs may provide decision-makers, public health planners, and health administrators with valuable information about the relevance and cost-effectiveness of public health intervention programs.

My first trip to the dentist/ Katie Kawa. New York: Gareth Stevens Pub., 2012.

Healthy teeth are very important, and a trip to the dentist helps keep them shiny and strong. Beginning readers get a firsthand glance at the people who work hard to keep our teeth looking and feeling their best. Presented in a fictionalized manner, this book allows young readers to follow along on a child’s visit to the dentist. Accessible text helps readers see what happens during a dental exam and learn about the people and tools that work together to clean our teeth. Bright, fun illustrations guide readers through the story.

Bridging the dental gap: report on the inquiry into adult dental services./ House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Health and Ageing. Canberra: Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2013.

The report presents a brief summary of Commonwealth Government involvement in funding of adult dental services. It examines in more detail the priorities that have been raised in evidence. Consideration is given to the availability and access to services, particularly for special needs groups, workforce issues and the mix and coverage of services. It also examines a range of systemic issues associated with dental health services, and considers the general principles that might inform development of the NPA and dental health policy more generally.

Friday, 2 May 2014

New e-books

Manual of temporomandibular disorders / Wright, Edward F. 3rd ed., Hoboken: Wiley, 2013.

The 3rd edition provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on temporomandibular disorders. Focusing on clinically relevant information throughout, the book allows dentists to diagnose TMD accurately, rule out disorders that mimic TMD, and provide effective therapy for most patients. Useful features, such as frequently asked questions, quick consults, technical tips, and focal points are integrated to help the clinician find precise answers with ease. Case scenarios provide the reader with a way to enhance their clinical reasoning skills, with a focus on solving TMD problems at chairside.

Behavior management in dentistry for children /John R. Hampton. 2nd ed., Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.

Guiding patient behavior is as important as ever for the practicing dentist, and the behavior of pediatric patients is perhaps the most challenging to manage. This 2nd edition has been entirely rewritten and includes the latest and most effective management strategies from an international team of experts in the field and is ideal for pediatric residents, dental students, and practicing dentists who see children on a regular basis.

Implant restorations: a step-by-step guide./Drago, Carl J. 3rd ed., Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.

This highly illustrated, case-based book demonstrates how to treat the most commonly encountered treatment scenarios, describing the procedures, techniques, and sequences required in clear, concise language and in an easy-to-use format. The book takes the theory of implant restoration, using as its basis 3i.s implant systems, and places it directly in the operatory, concentrating in detail on each stage of the actual clinical procedures involved in treating different patients.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Recently received books

Orthopantomography /Ignazio Pandolfo. Milan: Springer, 2013.

This book sets out to describe in detaildiverse technical and methodological aspects of the examination, from image acquisition through to artifact generation due to lack of experience or malfunctioning. It will be of great value to the radiologist in routine interpretation and reporting of orthopantomography as it offers possible solutions for all of the most common diagnostic and methodological problems.

The ECG made easy /John R. Hampton. 8th ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2013.

The ECG Made Easy directs users of the electrocardiogram to straightforward and accurate identification of normal and abnormal ECG patterns. With the emphasis throughout on simplicity and practical application, this Eighth Edition will prove invaluable to all medical and health care staff who require clear, basic knowledge about the ECG.

Davidson's principles and practice of medicine /Brian R. Walker (ed). 22nd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2014.

Davidson's provides the factual knowledge required to practise medicine, explaining it in the context of underlying principles, basic science and research evidence, and shows how to apply this knowledge to the management of patients who present with problems rather than specific diseases. Building on the foundations laid down by its original editor, Davidson's remains one of the world's leading and most respected textbooks of medicine.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Just received

Cleft lip and palate: diagnosis and management. /Samuel Berkowitz (ed). 3rd ed, Berlin: Springer, 2013.

Cleft Lip and Palate: Diagnosis and Management is an unparalleled review of treatment concepts in all areas of cleft involvement presented by an international team of experienced clinicians. A unique feature of the book is that it largely consists of longitudinal facial and palatal growth studies of dental casts, photographs, panorexes, and cephalographs from birth to adolescence.

What's In your mouth? What's In your child's mouth? /Douglas A. Terry. Chicago: Quintessence, 2013.

Health care providers have a responsibility to instill each new generation of patients with the importance of oral health care, and this book teaches pediatric patients and their parents the importance of proper brushing and flossing by showing what happens when children neglect their teeth. This hardcover book is two books in one. The first half (What's in Your Mouth?) is written to introduce children to the importance of daily hygiene care, and the second half (What's in Your Child's Mouth?) provides parents with the information to guide their children's oral health habits.

Endodontology: an integrated biological and clinical view. /Domenico Ricucci. London: Quintessence, 2013.

This unique book is a serious study of clinical endodontics that underscores the biologic foundation of endodontic treatment and seeks to bridge the gap between basic endodontic knowledge and advanced endodontic biology. It combines invaluable histologic illustrations of endodontic disease with a robust clinical text that (1) describes the pathologies affecting dental tissues as well as their reactions to the clinical procedures and (2) uses clinical microbiology to explain the observed phenomena.

Monday, 17 February 2014

New books received this week

Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery / James R. Hupp (ed). 6th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby, 2014.

The 6th Edition enhances your skills in evaluation, diagnosis, and patient management. Full-color photographs and drawings show how to perform basic surgical techniques, and an overview of more advanced surgical procedures includes guidelines on when to refer patients to specialists and how to provide supportive postoperative care. This edition also includes the latest developments in dental implants, instrumentation, and current technology.

Reconstructing faces : the art and wartime surgery of Gillies, Pickerill, McIndoe and Mowlem./ Murray C. Meikle. Dunedin: [Otago University Press, 2013.

Both World War I and World War II played an influential role in the evolution of plastic and maxillofacial surgery in the first half of the 20th century. This book examines four of the key figures involved in this wartime surgery: Sir Harold Gillies, Sir Archibald McIndoe, Rainsford Mowlem, and Henry Pickerill. The book describes how these surgeons revolutionized plastic surgery and the treatment of facial trauma, working on soldiers, fighter pilots, and civilians who were disfigured by bombs, shrapnel, and burns.

Dorland's pocket medical dictionary/ Dorland, W. A. Newman. 28th ed., Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2009.

Since 1898, Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary has continuously maintained the standard as the world's most convenient, user-friendly, portable reference on medical terminology. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest advances in medicine, this 28th edition delivers the accurate, clear, up-to-date definitions you expect from Dorland's--in a highly compact, easy-to-use format. Bonus software lets you add hundreds of thousands of medical terms to your computer's spell-checker. Is based on Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary -the world's most authoritative, trusted medical dictionary--for completeness and accuracy you can depend on. Contains the latest edition of Dorlands Electronic Medical Speller. Adds 231 new full-color illustrations throughout the book to more vividly depict visual concepts.

Monday, 10 February 2014

ClinicalKey - A souce of clinical answers

ClinicalKey was developed by Elsevier and involved consulting more than 2,000 doctors across the world over two years. The service aims to provide a source of clinical answers.

Replacing MD Consult, Elsevier's new platform features an integrated search across eBooks, full text journals, First Consult (Point of Care, practice guidelines, procedural skills videos, medical videos, and medical images. Includes a selection of Medline content as well as filters for Australian and subscribed content.

It contains 14 key full text Dentistry journals, 19 core e-Books, 59 Dental practice guidelines and more. Using a desktop computer click here to access ClinicalKey with your Unikey.