New books received this week
Biochemistry / Jeremy M. Berg 7th ed. New York : W.H. Freeman, c2012.
Included in the 3rd edition is a completely reorganized part one introducing the flow of information from gene to protein. It emphasizes the growing interrelatedness of molecular biology and biochemistry, and acquaints one with experimental methods of both disciplines. Also included is 150 new problems and a wealth of new material.
Clinical success in Invisalign orthodontic treatment / Richard Bouchez. Paris ; Chicago : Quintessence Publishing, 2011.
The author introduces the reader to essentials of Invisalign treatment, from the basic biomechanics of thermoformed plastic aligners to the the ClinCheck 3D simulation treatment planning software.Oral and intravenous bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws: history, etiology, prevention, and treatment. / Robert E. Marx. 2nd ed. Hanover Park, Ill. : Quintessence Pub., c2011.
Based on a clear understanding of the disease mechanism and documented outcomes of the relatively small number of cases treated to date, this timely book presents definitive treatment protocols for patients who present at each stage in its progression.