New books received this week
Illustrated dental embryology, histology, and anatomy/ Mary Bath-Balogh. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier Saunders, c2011.
Featuring detailed illustrations and full-color photographs, this textbook provides a complete look at dental anatomy, combined with dental embryology and histology and a review of dental structures. Color photomicrographs make it easy to discern microscopic structures.
Oral health therapy programs in Australia and New Zealand: emergence and development / A.K.L. Tsang (ed). Varsity Lakes, Qld. : Knowledge Books and Software, 2010.
This book explores the history and development of dental hygiene, dental therapy and oral health therapy in Australia and New Zealand. It includes curriculum design, educational philosophy and SWOT analysis from individual programs across twelve institutions.Rang & Dale's pharmacology / Humphrey P. Rang. 7th ed. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, c2012.
Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology provides you with all the knowledge you need to get through your pharmacology course and beyond. The authors present a clear and accessible approach to the analysis of therapeutic agents at the cellular and molecular level through detailed diagrams, full-color illustrations, and pedagogical features.