New books received this week
Prevention in clinical oral health care / David P. Cappelli. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby Elsevier, c2008.
This book focuses on oral health promotion and the impact of systemic disease in the development of oral disease, as well as how to introduce, apply, and communicate prevention to patients. It integrates preventive approaches into clinical practice, and is a valuable tool for all health care professionals to integrate oral health prevention as a component of their overall preventive message to the patient.
Evidence-based practice: toward optimizing clinical outcomes./ Francesco Chiappelli. Heidelberg : Springer, c2010.
The emerging paradigm of evidence-based health care rests on the judicious integration of the patient needs/wants, the provider's expertise, and the best available research evidence in the treatment plan. The purpose of this book is to discuss the promise and the limitations of incorporating the best available evidence in clinical practice.Precision in periodontal instrumentation (DVD) / Debra Burtoft. 2nd ed. Tallahassee, FL : DH Meth-Ed, 2010.
This video contains 2 hours and 37 minutes of demonstrations set up in separate chapters so that you can select exactly the one you want to view. Both dental assisting and dental hygiene clinicians can select chapters for their specific needs.Treatment planning in implant dentistry / Sajid Jivraj. London : British Dental Association, 2007.
The chapters in the book are presented to focus the reader's attention while treatment planning different regions of the oral cavity, for example when treatment planning anterior areas of the mouth the focus is on esthetics and soft tissue management, while biomechanics is emphasised in the posterior areas.