New books received this week
The neurobiology of orthodontics: treatment of malocclusion through neuroplasticity. / Margaritis Z. Pimenidis. Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, c2009.
This book presents the neurobiology of orthodontics according to the most recently acquired knowledge on the interaction of the brain activity with the senses. In particular, it highlights the ability of orofacial sensory input to modulate and change the brain activity underlying functions of the stomatognathic system. Dental implants: the art and science. / Charles A. Babbush (ed). 2nd ed., Maryland Heights, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2011.
Includes 20 new chapters and coverage of the latest advances and research. Topics range from the business of dental implants and risk management to new treatment techniques such as Teeth In A Day. and Teeth In An HourT, the All-on-4 concept, Piezoelectric bone surgery, the new NobelActiveTM implant, the use of dental implants in children, and more.
Oral health epidemiology: principles and practice / Amit Chattopadhyay. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2011.
As the first text of its kind, Oral Health Epidemiology: Principles and Practice explores the full spectrum of epidemiological and translational clinical research including fundamental mechanisms of human disease, therapeutic intervention, clinical trials, and oral epidemiology.Tooth whitening in esthetic dentistry: principles and techniques/ So-Ran Kwon et al,(ed). London ; Chicago : Quintessence, c2009.
This two-volume guide describes the full range of professional teeth whitening procedures, including home whitening, "walking bleach," power whitening, non-vital tooth bleaching, microabrasion, and gingival bleaching.