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Basic guide to orthodontic dental nursing / Fiona Grist. Chichester, West Sussex : Blackwell Pub., 2010.
Chapters cover such key topics as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding, and retention. There are also sections on care prior to treatment, including the requirements for a first appointment, and there is helpful guidance on maintaining motivation - particularly for young patients and their parents.
Oral cancer metastasis / Jeffrey Myers (ed). New York : Springer, c2010.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (SCCOC) is one of the most prevalent tumors of the head and neck region. This book will summarize the current status of investigations into SCCOC metastases and potential of these studies to impact basic research investigators and clinicians confronting SCCOC in the future.Clinical cases in restorative & reconstructive dentistry / Gregory J. Tarantola. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
The book presents actual clinical cases, accompanied by academic commentary. Learn about the challenging and absorbing nature of restorative and reconstructive dentistry and use itas a reference tool to help with treatment planning when perplexing cases arise in the dental office.Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease / Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu. Heidelberg : Springer, c2010.
This book focusses on understanding through knowledge. Connections between the diseases in the periodontium and general health are described in detail. Even if periodontal disease is certainly not a generally accepted cause of death, periodontal treatment may obviously save lives.