More recently received new books
Color atlas of common oral diseases / Robert P. Langlais (et al). 4th ed., Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2009.
Over 650 high-quality color photographs and radiographic illustrations of oral disease to help you identify them. It presents clinical and radiographic features of common diseases found in the oral cavity according to location, color, surface change, and radiographic appearance.
Comprehensive periodontics for the dental hygienist / Mea A. Weinberg (et al). 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Education, c2010.
This book has been written in an attempt to make the professions' understanding of periodontal diseases accessible to the dental hygiene student, the practicing dental hygienist, and the dentist needing to update their knowledge through a concise synopsis of clinical periodontics.
Cleft surgery: repair of the lip, palate and alveolus / G.E. Ghali (ed). Philadelphia, Pa. ; London : Saunders, 2009.
World renowned oral surgeon Ghali E. Ghali is guest editor of this issue devoted to cleft lip and palate repair. This highly illustrated surgical atlas will include articles on primary unilateral cleft lip/nose repair via modified Millard technique, primary unilateral cleft lip/nose repair via Delair. Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry / edited by John A. Yagiela. 6th ed., St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby Elsevier, c2011.
It explores the basic fundamentals of pharmacology, special topics such as pain control, fear and anxiety, and oral complications of cancer therapy, and most importantly, the actions of specific drug groups on the human body and the harmful effects of mixing medications. Best practice: 77 problem cases, solutions, prescriptions and laboratory tests in dental practice / Şükran Atamer-Şimşek. London ; Chicago ; Istanbul : Quintessence Publishing, c2009.
Seventy-seven case studies illustrate the necessary steps of clinical examination, multidisciplinary collaboration, treatment planning, patient testing, treatment sequencing, and pharmacologic therapy.