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Flapless implantology / Byung-Ho Choi(et al). London : Quintessence Publishing, c2010.
The difficulties of flapless implant surgery are thought by many to preclude its use in all but the most ideal circumstances. However, this book shows readers how to overcome the perceived challenges of the flapless technique in order to take advantage of its extraordinary benefits.
Dry mouth, the malevolent symptom: a clinical guide. / edited by Leo M. Sreebny. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Xerostomia, more commonly called dry mouth, affects an estimated 20% of adults worldwide and can severely diminish one's quality of life. This book relies on evidence-based research to provide an introductory primer on oral dryness and the modalities available to treat it. Forensic odontology and age estimation: an introduction to concepts and methods. / Matt Blenkin. Saarbrücken : VDM, c2009.
Building a biological profile is often the critical step in the identification of recovered human remains. Stature, sex, race and age if known, can assist by significantly limiting the field of potential identities to be searched. It is often the Odontologist who is requested to provide the estimate of age.The renal system / Michael J. Field (et al). 2nd ed., Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2010.
This is an integrated textbook on the cardiovascular system, covering the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the system, all presented in a clinically relevant context appropriate for the first two years of the medical student course.