New books received this week
Illustrated anatomy of the head and neck / Fehrenbach, Margaret J. 3rd ed, St. Louis, MO : Saunders Elsevier, 2007.
The 3rd edition presents comprehensive coverage of all the information needed in the study of head and neck anatomy. It presents an understanding of anatomical parts and focal points for injection sites that are essential in the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting.
Esthetics in implantology : strategies for soft and hard tissue therapy. / Jośe Bernardes das Neves. Chicago : Quintessence Editora ltda, c2010.
This beautifully illustrated book addresses the anatomic, functional, and clinical components of osseointegration in conjunction with hard and soft tissue therapies. Also, it demonstrates the importance of multi and interdisciplinary treatment during osseointegration procedures.Clinical research in oral health / edited by William V. Giannobile et al. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Addressing research questions exclusively applicable to dentistry and oral health, the book thoroughly illustrates the principles and practice of oral health clinical research. An essential reference for all postgraduate students in all dental and oral health specialties, researchers and specialist clinicians.