Six new books received this week
Mosby's dental hygiene: concepts, cases, and competencies. / edited by Susan J. Daniel (et al). 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby/Elsevier, c2008.
Description: The new edition has been reorganized and updated to include new information and multiple new chapters on evidence-based practice, salivary dysfunction, basics of the immune system, HIV/AIDS, and dental hygiene in orthodontics. The book provides a strong foundation in dental hygiene.Oral anatomy, histology and embryology. / B.K.B. Berkovitz, G.R. Holland, B.J. Moxham. 4th ed, Edinburgh ; London : Mosby, c2009.
Description: New edition of a now classic textbook covering oral anatomy, histology and embryology suitable for dental students and candidates for post-graduate dental examinations. Presents a unique, integrative approach to oral dental science.Tip-edge orthodontics and the plus bracket./ Richard Parkhouse. 2nd ed, Edinburgh ; New York : Mosby, 2009.
Description: A practical textbook, illustrated in colour throughout, on the use of the increasingly popular Tip-Edge orthodontic appliance, now with discussion of the Plus bracket. Ideal for those new to the appliance and for practitioners familiar with it who need to keep abreast of advances in the field.Oral health of adults in the public dental sector /D.S. Brennan. Adelaide: AIHW Dental Statistics and Research Unit, 2008.
Description: This report presents findings from patients receiving public dental care. Findings are presented on tooth loss, dental caries and periodontal disease, and comparisons are made between public dental patients and the Australian population.
The developing human: clinically oriented embryology. / Keith L. Moore, T.V.N. Persaud 8th ed, Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier, c2008.
Description: This popular text makes it surprisingly easy for you to gain an in-depth understanding of human embryology. It examines all aspects of human development, emphasising both basic concepts and relevant clinical problems.
A-Z of dental nursing. / Wendy Paintin. Oxford, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa : Blackwell, 2009.
Description: The book is divided into two halves. The first is a dictionary offering concise definitions of common words, terms, names & phrases. The second half is a handy reference with sections on common abbreviations, charting, career paths, professional bodies, training, further reading and web resources.