New books received this week
Pharmacology in dental medicine / Jeffrey M. Casiglia, Peter L. Jacobsen. Hamilton, Ontario : B. C. Decker, 2008.
Description: This pocket guide provides key information about pharmacologic agents used by the dental practitioner in general or specialty practice. Subjects are grouped by either specific classes of therapeutic agent, such as antiviral agents, or by a pharmacologic concept, such as reactions to pharmacologic agents.Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry / David A. Mitchell and Laura Mitchell. 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
Description: This essential pocket guide covers the whole of clinical dentistry in a concise format. The authors have distilled the key elements of clinical practice into a readily accessible book with a wide range of appeal, from the undergraduate and those preparing for a range of postgraduate dental examinations through to training, and other senior colleagues.Stedman's medical dictionary for the dental professions Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2007.
Description: This dictionary contains definitions for nearly 13,000 terms relevant to over a dozen dental professions, including dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting. It includes over 500 illustrations, most in full colour, and a full-colour oral conditions and disorders insert.