Friday, 18 April 2008

Dentistry Library subject guide updated

Over the past few weeks I have been working on the Dentistry subject guide, re-arranging it so that the content is more accessible and key resources are more visible.

New features include:

  1. Popular Resources - 6 key resources for the dental student, ranging from Medline and the Library Catalogue to the MDConsult and StatRef! dental e-book collections.
  2. Databases - a list of databases relevant to dentistry.
  3. Internet Guide - The individual sections of the Internet guide are now listed on the Subject guide, so that they are more accessible. Sections include Evidence-based Dentistry, Dental Statistics, Images for Teaching and Learning, as well as Clinical Protocols and Guidelines.
  4. E-books & E-journals - Lists of e-books and e-journals in dentistry.
  5. Research and Information Skills - includes new short & interactive learning tools from the iResearch series.
  6. DentistryLibrary@Sydney - this blog!
Feedback on the new structure is welcome, so please let me know what you think so that it can be improved. Is it intuitive, does it contain the resources you need for your research or studies? This information will aid in the improvement of the guide.