Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Databases on Trial

The following two databases are currently on trial at the University of Sydney Library. Please try them out and let us know what you think using the the database evaluation forms below.

FirstConsult trial - Trial ends 17th of June, 2008

Integrated into our existing MDConsult subscription. This is an evidence-based clinical information tool enabling differential diagnosis, evaluation and management of medical conditions, patient education and procedure skills review.

To trial POCKETConsult on your PDA:
Create a personal account in MDConsult
Click My PDA
Create new POCKET Consult account.
Once you are registered, you can download material from MDConsult and from within FirstConsult.

Please fill out the Database Evaluation Form

ProceduresConsult - Trial ends 17th of June, 2008.

This covers the procedures required by the ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine). It includes illustrations and multi-media for each procedure. It provides self-directed procedures training and testing.

Please fill out the Database Evaluation Form