Monday, 10 September 2007

BDent1 - Finding the Best Evidence

This morning saw the beginning of the annual 1st year Dentistry "Finding the Best Evidence" evidence-based dentistry literature searching tutorials. As a result of this tutorial students will know how to:

  • Formulate a searchable question using PICO
  • Find a systematic review in Ovid's Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews & Medline
  • Retrieve primary studies using the Ovid Medline Clinical Queries Filters
You can view the embedded presentation below or download it in PDF Format.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

New Publications by University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students

The following papers have been added to PubMed in the last 30 days:

Bhutada, MK, Phanachet, I, Whittle, T, Peck, CC & Murray, GM 2007, 'Activity of superior head of human lateral pterygoid increases with increases in contralateral and protrusive jaw displacement', European Journal of Oral Sciences, vol. 115, no. 4, pp. 257-64.

Bryant, RW & Mahler, DB 2007, 'Volumetric contraction in some tooth-coloured restorative materials', Australian Dental Journal, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 112-7.

Curtis, B, Evans, RW, Sbaraini, A & Schwarz, E 2007, 'Recruitment and standardization of a group of Australian dentists for a multipractice study on dental caries prevention', Australian Dental Journal, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 106-11.

Huang, TT, Jones, AS, He, LH, Darendeliler, MA & Swain, MV 2007, 'Characterisation of enamel white spot lesions using X-ray micro-tomography', Journal of Dentistry, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 737-43.

Rohanizadeh, R, Swain, MV & Mason, RS 2007, 'Gelatin sponges (Gelfoam( (R) )) as a scaffold for osteoblasts', Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine [Epub ahead of print]

Friday, 31 August 2007

New issue of Educause Review published

Educause Review is a useful publication for Faculty interested in IT, and how it can be used to enhance the student learning experience. The September/October issue focuses on Faculty development - giving staff a run-down on the latest developments in IT and Web 2.0.

Articles include:

  • Wikis and Podcasts and Blogs! Oh, My! What Is a Faculty Member Supposed to Do? - Patricia McGee and Veronica Diaz.
    Given the demands of teaching, service, and research, faculty are today expected to embrace learning technologies along with everything else, challenging the institution to help them make sense of what works and how to work it. PDF (749k) | HTML
  • Active Learning and Technology: Designing Change for Faculty, Students, and Institutions - Anne H. Moore, Shelli B. Fowler, and C. Edward Watson.
    Transformational faculty-development efforts must involve systematic, goal-directed, sustained activities that are integral to the daily work of academic community members. PDF (628kb) | HTML
  • Faculty 2.0 - Joel L. Hartman, Charles Dziuban, and James Brophy-Ellison.
    As faculty members confront the expanding impact that technology is having on their scholarship, research, teaching, and students, IT organizations must assess their role in shaping, implementing, and supporting the assimilation of IT into the teaching and learning process. PDF (725kb)| HTML
  • ...and much more
EDUCAUSE Review is also available via RSS feed. Click the icon on the EDUCAUSE Review home page to access the XML required to subscribe.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Current Issues of JADA now available online

The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) is now available online from Volume 126 (1995) and onwards, including the the latest issues. Access should be from both on and off-campus, including Westmead, but if you experience any problems please let me know and I will investigate.

JADA also offers free Table of Contents Alerts via email. Why not sign up for this valuable current awareness tool today?

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Finding the best evidence - an update

This morning at Westmead I presented a session to 3rd Year Dentistry on Finding the Best Evidence, which is an update session designed to refresh their Evidence-based Dentistry Literature searching skills. I thought it would be worthwhile posting it here for any postgrad or Faculty member who would be interested in improving their searching skills.

You can view the embedded presentation below or download it in PDF format.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Keeping up to date: journal table of contents feeds

Keeping up to date with what's being published in dentistry is easy if you make the most of RSS feeds. Most publishers now offer RSS feeds for their journals - look for a icon somewhere on the page of your favourite online journal. For those new to RSS, what it does is 'push' content out to you, rather than you having to go hunt for it. Ideal for time poor academics or students.

Medworm is a RSS feed aggregator that provides access to over 40 dentistry online journal titles, ranging from the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation to the British Dental Journal. To subscribe to a dentistry journal feed in Medworm:

1. Go to Medworm []

2. Choose Publications Directory

3. Select Dentistry [>

4. Select the title for which you would like to receive a Table of Contents Feed. Example: Journal of Oral Rehabilitation.

5. If you have a Medworm, Bloglines, Google Reader, or My Yahoo account, click on the appropriate icon to add the feed to your account.

6. If you are using a reader that is not listed, click on the icon to subscribe in your reader.

7. The Feed will appear in your reader, with posts of articles from the most recent issue. The next time an issue is published you will automatically receive posts in your reader.

The University of Sydney Library does not subscribe to every title appearing on the Medworm Dentistry journals list, so you may not be able to access the full-text of every article. However, you will be able to access at least the abstract, and so keep up to date with research in your discipline

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Information Sources in Dentistry

Last thursday I presented at the Faculty's lunchtime research seminar series out at Westmead, which typically involves postgrad students giving updates on their research to their peers, with some Library content in the form of Library lectures thrown in as well. In the past I have presented on using Endnote, making the most of current awareness services, and using Medline, but this time I thought I would take a different tack and focus on on resources that would be of use to the average postgrad or member of Faculty, but may have slipped below their radar. I focused on statistics, images, and reference tools.

You can view the embedded presentation below or download it in PDF format.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

New Publications by University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students

New articles added to PubMed in the past 30 days:

Armstrong, D, Shen, G, Petocz, P & Darendeliler, MA 2007, 'A comparison of accuracy in bracket positioning between two techniques localizing the centre of the clinical crown and measuring the distance from the incisal edge', European Journal of Orthodontics. Jul 27; [Epub ahead of print]

He, LH & Swain, MV 2007, 'Influence of environment on the mechanical behaviour of mature human enamel', Biomaterials.Jul 18; [Epub ahead of print]

Lyle, D, Klineberg, I, Taylor, S, Jolly, N, Fuller, J & Canalese, J 2007, 'Harnessing a University to address rural health workforce shortages in Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 227-33.

Wang, XY, Crowston, JG, Zoellner, H & Healey, PR 2007, 'Interferon-{alpha} and Interferon-{gamma} Sensitize Human Tenon Fibroblasts to Mitomycin-C', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 3655-61.

Xie, ZH, Mahoney, EK, Kilpatrick, NM, Swain, MV & Hoffman, M 2007, 'On the structure-property relationship of sound and hypomineralized enamel', Acta biomaterialia. Jun 26; [Epub ahead of print]

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The top 10 E-learning tools

The UK Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) recently asked e-learning experts from around the world to list their top 10 tools. 79 experts have responded so far, with FireFox being the top pick. To view the complete list, go to the top 10 favourite tools.

They have also compiled a learning toolbox, of both personal and producers toolsets. The top items in the personal toolset are:

  1. Web browser: Firefox
  2. Calendar: Google Calendar
  3. RSS Reader: Google Reader
  4. Email: Gmail
  5. Start Page: iGoogle
  6. Social bookmarking tool:
  7. Podcast/music player: iTunes
  8. PDF Reader: Adobe reader
  9. Social network site: Facebook
  10. Instant Messenger: Skype
  11. Useful resource site: Google search
  12. Desktop search/organiser: Google Desktop

This is just the main list, and the site also suggest alternatives. Personally, I would use 6 of the services on the main list, and 10 on the alternatives, but what I find is that I tend to try tools out, and retain or discard them depending on how useful they are and how well they fit into my workflow.

C4LPT have also developed a producer's toolkit, which will be of more use to the e-learning designer who wants to know what else is available for their use. Go to the learning toolbox to find out more.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Dentistry Library New Books Received July '07

32 items were added to the Dentistry Library collection in July. Go to the New Titles List for July to find out what's new.

For the postgraduate student or member of Faculty based out at Westmead, a reminder that items can be sent out to the Westmead Hospital Medical Library for collection. Use the Inter-Library loans/Document Delivery book request form to do so.

You will need to register if you have not used the Document Delivery service before.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Improvements to the Library Catalogue

As a result of your feedback, we've made the following changes to the Library Catalogue:

  • Different colour buttons to make Start Over, Another Search and Request Item options easier to see.

  • Simpler layout on the first brief results screen:
    • The call numbers and location details are now in the full record. Click the Full details link to view.
    • Request this item button only appears on items available for request.

  • Full record view shows all the information about the item - no need to click on any tabs.

  • The permanent link to this item is now at the bottom of the full record. This is a URL (or web-link) which you can save or bookmark and will always link you to that item.
Did you know that you can:
  • tell if an item is available online by looking at the Item Location? Electronic item means that book or article is available online.

  • find electronic items by limiting your search? Select e-books or e-journals from the entire collection pick-list by the search entry box.

  • re-sort your results on keyword search? Click on the links title or date near the top of the search results page.

Monday, 30 July 2007

The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health

Searching the Internet for dental or oral health information may seem fairly straightforward these days, but there are very few high quality resources available out there that can teach you how to do it well. The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health by Intute is one such resource, and although it has a UK bias in the links to the sites it provides, it teaches you how to search and use the Internet in a logical and intuitive manner. The tutorial is divided into 4 sections:

  1. The Tour - guides you to key websites in dentistry in the UK, and provides you with a quick quiz so that you can test your knowledge of the Internet.
  2. Discover - How to search the Internet for different types of information, compare search tools, try some test searches to see how the search engines differ, and most importantly, some useful tips for creating a good search strategy.
  3. Judge - the good and the bad on the Internet, plus it provides you with a set of criteria to evaluate web pages, and a quick quiz to test you on what's good and bad.
  4. Success - Practical examples of how people have searched the Internet successfully, and what their search strategies were.
One of its handiest features is the link basket, which allows you to collect links to the various websites listed on the tutorial. By completing all of the individual sections of the tutorial you have the basics of a very good list of of online dental resources.

The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health is a good site to recommend to your students if you want to them to use the Internet to it's potential, and a good one for you if you want to refresh your own knowledge of what's available in dentistry.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

MDConsult Dental collection

Early in 2007 the Library obtained subscriptions to eight textbooks in the MDConsult Dental Collection:

Aschheim, KW, Dale, BG, 2001, Esthetic dentistry : a clinical approach to techniques & materials,
2nd edn, Mosby, St. Louis.

Cohen, S, Hargreaves, KM & Keiser, KDDS 2006, Pathways of the pulp,
9th edn, Elsevier Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

Dionne, R, Phero, JC & Becker, DE 2002, Management of pain & anxiety in the dental office,
Saunders, Philadelphia.

Gage, TW & Pickett, FA 2005, Mosby's dental drug reference,
7th edn, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

Little, JW 2002, Dental management of the medically compromised patient,
6th edn, Mosby, St. Louis.

Regezi, JA, Sciubba, JJ & Jordan, RCK 2003, Oral pathology: clinical pathologic correlations, 4th edn, Saunders, St. Louis, Mo.

Stefanac, SJ & Nesbit, SP 2007, Treatment planning in dentistry, 2nd edn, Mosby/Elsevier, St. Louis, Mo.

Weiss, C 2001, Principles and practice of implant dentistry, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

You can access these by searching the Library Catalogue, but did you know that you can search MDConsult itself to get access to the information in these texts and more?

For example, if you do a search for mouthwashes and gingivitis you will retrieve six references from First Consult, four references from textbooks in the MDConsult collection, sixty-six results from a Medline search, seven articles from the Clinics series, as well as five references to patient education information. It is also possible to retrieve drug information, images, and clinical guidelines, depending on your topic. It's a great resource for getting an overview of a topic area in a PBL situation - try it today!

[MDConsult can be accessed via the Library Catalogue, or via the Databases and Electronic Resources page on the Library website]

Thursday, 12 July 2007

How do I demonstrate quality and impact for the RQF?

The RQF is upon the University, and to help you find out how you can demonstrate the quality of your research and its impact upon the community the Library is holding a number of information sessions.

For Faculty based out at Westmead an information session will be held on Thursday the 19th of July from 12-1 at the Health Sciences Campus, room E101 (Health Sciences Campus Map). Two further sessions will be held in the Fisher Library Conference room, on Tuesday the 24th and Friday the 27th of July. For more information go to the Library RQF home.

Contact me if you have any questions. If you are a Panel or Group leader contact your Panel Liaison Librarian.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Dentistry Library New books Received June '07

32 items were added to the Dentistry Library collection in June. Go to the New Titles List for June to find out more.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

New Publications by University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students

The following paper has been added to PubMed in the last 30 days:

Chutimanutskul, W, Geenty, JP, Shen, G & Darendeliler, MA 2007, 'Validity and reliability of ear landmarks as reference points for cephalometric analysis', World Journal of Orthodontics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 122-8.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

E-Learning 3.0 - adding the 3rd dimension to Dentistry

CyberDenT is an exciting community site for dental e-learning concepts and projects. You will find many examples of e-learning applied to dentistry, such as interactive models of teeth and periodontic procedures.

The example below is a demonstration of a procedure used for inserting a dental implant, and is just one of many resources presented on the site.

[Image: elearning 3.0 - adding the 3rd dimension : vlearning, viewed: 28/06/07 <>]

The site includes innovate dental training concepts across a wide range of dental disciplines. Particularly interesting is the use of what CyberDent calls bleeding edge 3D PDF which includes innovative uses of animation and tests to enhance the elearning experience. Acrobat 8 will be required to produce projects such as these. Given the current focus on e-learning in the University this is a site that the Faculty should be monitoring as it investigates e-learning opportunities.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Image databases

The Library provides access to a number of image databases, which contain images across a wide variety of subject areas which have the potential to be used in lecture presentations, student assignments and the like.

The new list of Image Databases contains two databases of interest to dentistry.

Firstly, images.MD. Images.Md contains over 50,000 medical images, including some covering dentistry. You have the option of either searching the databases directly, or browsing by collection - select upper respiratory tract and head and neck for dental images. By registering on the site you have the options of settting up your own image library on the site as well as creating PowerPoint presentations.

The other database is Anatomy.TV. provides access to interactive 3-D models of human anatomy. It should prove useful as a both a teaching and a study tool. In addition to the 3D images, the product also contains slides, MRI, movies, as well as MCQ's and a quiz.

Full functionality requires Windows Media player, QuickTime player or RealPlayer, and pop-ups to be enabled in your browser.

Both databases will require either your Unikey login or Library borrower number login for off-campus access. Access is restricted to University of Sydney staff and students.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Evidentista - Pan American Centers for Evidence-based Dentistry

Another evidence-based dentistry site, Evidentista contains guidelines on how to practice evidence-based dentistry, as well as clinical Q&A's across a wide range of dental disciplines, from endodontics and oral surgery/oral medicine to orthodontics and more. Article abstracts which answer the clinical questions are drawn from Evidence-based Dentistry, and the articles themselves are downloadable via the University of Sydney Library Catalogue.

Evidentista is produced by the Pan American Centers for Evidence-based Dentistry, in collaboration with institutions such as the Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry, Oxford, The Forsyth Institute, Boston, Evidence-based Dentistry Journal, and The Cochrane Library, to name a few.

It is a very good site, but would be further enhanced by having a search facility built in to ease access to the information contained in the site. It would also be good to know a bit more about the staff, such as their backgrounds, and perhaps more importantly their qualifications in evidence-based dentistry. Try it out, and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

New Database Trials

The Library has the following resource currently on trial:

Dynamed - Trial ends on the 5th of August, 2007.

DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other health care professionals for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'. It includes clinically-organized summaries for nearly 2,000 topics, and it does include dental content. For example, Select Browse by Category then Oral Pathology. Click on Impacted Tooth and you can view information on the causes and risk factors, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, plus more. The product is evidence-based, and all topics include references, reviews, and some include links to clinical guidelines.

The Dynamed trial can be accessed via the Database Trials page.

Please fill out the Database Evaluation form. when you have finished. This will greatly assist us if we go on to make a submission to the Library Electronic Resource Group for a subscription to the product.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

EviDents search engine for evidence-based Dentistry

EviDents is a medical search engine for evidence-based dentistry developed by the Center for Evidence-based Dentistry at the Forsyth Institute. It searches PubMed using its own search interface, allowing the MeSH browser to be used in order to find the most appropriate MeSH term for the search.

Particularly nice is the way it allows you to frame your question, using PICO, narrowing your search down by clinical issue (treatment/diagnosis/prognosis/etiology) and search type (Broad/Focused). It is also possible to limit it to systematic reviews only, public health, and age limits (pedodontics/none).

Search strategies are based upon work done at the Forsyth Institute.

I have done some test searches and results are promising, especially when compared against PubMed's own Clinical Queries. Give it a go and let me know!

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Dentistry Library New books Received in May '07

24 items were added to the Dentistry Library collection in May. Go to the New Titles List for May to find out more.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

New Publications by University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students

The following papers have been added to PubMed in the last 30 days.

Arora, M, Kennedy, BJ, Ryan, CG, Boadle, RA, Walker, DM, Harland, CL, Lai, B, Cai, Z, Vogt, S, Zoellner, H & Chan, SW 2007, 'The application of synchrotron radiation induced X-ray emission in the measurement of zinc and lead in Wistar rat ameloblasts', Archives of Oral Biol Biology [Epub ahead of print].

Curtis, N & Zoellner, H 2007, 'Resection of an Orbital Rim Intraosseous Cavernous Hemangioma and Reconstruction by Chin Graft and Resorbable Fixation Plate', Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 232-4.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

RSS simplified

Tired of your daily (when you can find the time!) visits to web-based news sites to keep up to date with with what's happening in the world and your profession? Why not use RSS instead?

RSS (Real Simple Syndication) can deliver news to you, whether it be from news sites such as ABC Online, or from Blogs.
To find out more about it, how it can benefit you, and what you have to do to set it up, take a look at this short video from Commoncraft. It explains all you need to know about RSS in Plain English, in under 4 minutes.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

New Database Trial

We have trial access to 500 eBooks on ScienceDirect until 18 June 2007.

The books cover a range of topics including Biology, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Engineering, Immunology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Neuroscience, Physics and Psychology.

The ebooks are included with our existing books and journals on ScienceDirect and can be accessed usinng the Browse button from the menu bar at the top of the ScienceDirect home screen or by a Journal/book title search. Journals can be deselected from the title search, so that only books are displayed.

Access is from the database trials page. All books are available from off campus.