Improvements to the Library Catalogue
As a result of your feedback, we've made the following changes to the Library Catalogue:
- Different colour buttons to make Start Over, Another Search and Request Item options easier to see.
- Simpler layout on the first brief results screen:
- The call numbers and location details are now in the full record. Click the Full details link to view.
- Request this item button only appears on items available for request.
- Full record view shows all the information about the item - no need to click on any tabs.
- The permanent link to this item is now at the bottom of the full record. This is a URL (or web-link) which you can save or bookmark and will always link you to that item.
- tell if an item is available online by looking at the Item Location? Electronic item means that book or article is available online.
- find electronic items by limiting your search? Select e-books or e-journals from the entire collection pick-list by the search entry box.
- re-sort your results on keyword search? Click on the links title or date near the top of the search results page.