Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Image databases

The Library provides access to a number of image databases, which contain images across a wide variety of subject areas which have the potential to be used in lecture presentations, student assignments and the like.

The new list of Image Databases contains two databases of interest to dentistry.

Firstly, images.MD. Images.Md contains over 50,000 medical images, including some covering dentistry. You have the option of either searching the databases directly, or browsing by collection - select upper respiratory tract and head and neck for dental images. By registering on the site you have the options of settting up your own image library on the site as well as creating PowerPoint presentations.

The other database is Anatomy.TV. Anatomy.tv provides access to interactive 3-D models of human anatomy. It should prove useful as a both a teaching and a study tool. In addition to the 3D images, the product also contains slides, MRI, movies, as well as MCQ's and a quiz.

Full functionality requires Windows Media player, QuickTime player or RealPlayer, and pop-ups to be enabled in your browser.

Both databases will require either your Unikey login or Library borrower number login for off-campus access. Access is restricted to University of Sydney staff and students.