Tuesday, 12 November 2013

New books received this week

A clinical guide to oral diagnosis and treatment planning /Kevin H.K. Yip(ed). London: British Dental Association, 2012.

This new Clinical Guide provides a succinct summary of the contemporary approach to oral diagnosis and treatment planning for general dental practitioners and dental students. Oral diagnostic and dental treatment procedures continue to evolve and this book takes the reader through the logical and sequential steps required to create a successful dental treatment plan to meet the biological, functional and aesthetic needs and reasltic expectations of the patient.

A clinical guide to oral medicine /Michael A.O. Lewis. 3rd ed., London: British Dental Association, 2011.

A major revision of this well-respected book, this new clinical guide has been completely rewritten to reflect important changes that have occurred since the publication of the second edition. Information on specific drugs recommended for use in the treatment has been increased to include details of dosage and frequency and three new chapters have been added, covering oral medicine at extremes of age, adverse drug reactions and the orofacial tissues and prescribing.

A clinical guide to special care dentistry / J. Fiske. London: British Dental Association, 2009.

Written to give the practitioner a wide appreciation of many of the conditions and circumstances common in treating patients who require special care, the book provides an eminently practical guide, supported by many appropriate illustrations, to both the newcomer and the clinician who already has some accomplishment in the subject area.

Periodontology for the dental hygienist / Dorothy A. Perry. 4th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders, 2013.

Periodontology For The Dental Hygenist covers all aspects of periodontology, from the history of its study, to client assessment, to therapeutic and surgical approaches. The bulk of information is organized to be directly applicable to what hygienists will need to know to treat clients effectively. Also included is discussion of how periodontal conditions relate to general health and systemic factors.

Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team / Chris H. Miller. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Mosby, 2013.

Emphasizing patient safety and infection prevention in the dental office, Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team, 5th Edition, covers everything from basic concepts in microbiology to protocols for clinical asepsis. Clear, step-by-step instructions make it easy for you to perform safety procedures and use the supplies and equipment needed to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

Evidence-based clinical orthodontics / Peter G. Miles (ed). Chicago: Quintessence, 2012.

The authors of this book take an unbiased approach to orthodontics by systematically reviewing the relevant clinical literature and analyzing the scientific evidence to help practitioners select the most effective and efficient modes of treatment. Each chapter addresses a specific topic by summarizing the literature, critically reviewing the evidence, and offering impartial recommendations that can be adopted by clinical practitioners.