Friday, 13 December 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

New books received this week

A clinical guide to oral diagnosis and treatment planning /Kevin H.K. Yip(ed). London: British Dental Association, 2012.

This new Clinical Guide provides a succinct summary of the contemporary approach to oral diagnosis and treatment planning for general dental practitioners and dental students. Oral diagnostic and dental treatment procedures continue to evolve and this book takes the reader through the logical and sequential steps required to create a successful dental treatment plan to meet the biological, functional and aesthetic needs and reasltic expectations of the patient.

A clinical guide to oral medicine /Michael A.O. Lewis. 3rd ed., London: British Dental Association, 2011.

A major revision of this well-respected book, this new clinical guide has been completely rewritten to reflect important changes that have occurred since the publication of the second edition. Information on specific drugs recommended for use in the treatment has been increased to include details of dosage and frequency and three new chapters have been added, covering oral medicine at extremes of age, adverse drug reactions and the orofacial tissues and prescribing.

A clinical guide to special care dentistry / J. Fiske. London: British Dental Association, 2009.

Written to give the practitioner a wide appreciation of many of the conditions and circumstances common in treating patients who require special care, the book provides an eminently practical guide, supported by many appropriate illustrations, to both the newcomer and the clinician who already has some accomplishment in the subject area.

Periodontology for the dental hygienist / Dorothy A. Perry. 4th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders, 2013.

Periodontology For The Dental Hygenist covers all aspects of periodontology, from the history of its study, to client assessment, to therapeutic and surgical approaches. The bulk of information is organized to be directly applicable to what hygienists will need to know to treat clients effectively. Also included is discussion of how periodontal conditions relate to general health and systemic factors.

Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team / Chris H. Miller. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Mosby, 2013.

Emphasizing patient safety and infection prevention in the dental office, Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team, 5th Edition, covers everything from basic concepts in microbiology to protocols for clinical asepsis. Clear, step-by-step instructions make it easy for you to perform safety procedures and use the supplies and equipment needed to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

Evidence-based clinical orthodontics / Peter G. Miles (ed). Chicago: Quintessence, 2012.

The authors of this book take an unbiased approach to orthodontics by systematically reviewing the relevant clinical literature and analyzing the scientific evidence to help practitioners select the most effective and efficient modes of treatment. Each chapter addresses a specific topic by summarizing the literature, critically reviewing the evidence, and offering impartial recommendations that can be adopted by clinical practitioners.

Monday, 4 November 2013

New additions to our collection

The principles of endodontics /Shanon Patel (ed). 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Fully updated, this 2nd edition integrates theory with clinical practice to produce a modern and relevant guide to a core aspect of dental practice. This essential guide covers all the key areas of the subject, from patient management and treatment planning, to advanced restorative techniques. Chapters on treatment outcomes and dealing with complications and post-treatment disease prepare the reader for every eventuality in the field.

Dental pathology: a practical introduction. /Pieter J. Slootweg. 2nd ed., Berlin: Springer, 2013.

This new, updated edition will assist in the recognition and diagnosis of gross dental abnormalities. Topics include disturbances in tooth formation, acquired dental diseases including caries and its sequelae, periodontal disease, and odontogenic tumours.

Orofacial pain: guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and management. / Reny de Leeuw (ed). 5th ed., Chicago: Quintessence, 2013.

The AAOP Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management of Orofacial Pain is an invaluable resource for all health care professionals who evaluate and treat patients with orofacial pain and face the daunting task of keeping up with the literature in the rapidly emerging arena of pain management in clinical practice. This new edition continues to emphasize evidence-based knowledge and, for the first time, offers a summary of key points at the beginning of each chapter.

Fundamentals of evidence-based medicine / Kameshwar Prasad. 2nd ed., New Delhi: Springer India, 2013.

This is a basic book on evidence-based medicine. It starts with an introduction to the topic. It outlines the relationship between EBM and research and quality of care. Then it goes on to cover the most commonly used modules of EBM, i.e. therapy, diagnosis, prognosis and meta-analysis. Each module starts with an introduction to fundamental concepts, and description of the related research process, and then follows the critical appraisal of related type of research artcle. At the end, it covers the different systems of grading of level of evidence and strength of recommendations.

Principles and Practice of Operative Dentistry: A modern approach. / Enosakhare S. Akpata. 2nd ed., New Malden, United Kingdom: Quintessence, 2013.

Operative dentistry has witnessed tremendous changes in the past few decades, and the management of dental caries is undergoing a paradigm shift. This book incorporates the latest developments with the best practices in operative dentistry to equip novice dental students with the essentials of clinical practice. Topics include caries management based on the medical model, ergonomic clinical setting for operative dental practice, expanded and updated information on tooth-colored restorations, and current bonding techniques.

An introduction to bioceramics / Larry L. Hench (ed). 2nd ed., London: Imperial College Press, 2013.

This edition includes 21 new chapters that document the science and especially the clinical applications of the new generation of bioceramics in the field of tissue regeneration and repair. Important socioeconomic factors influencing the economics and availability of new medical treatments are covered with updates on regulatory procedures for new biomaterials, methods for technology transfer and ethical issues. The book contains 42 chapters that offer the only comprehensive treatment of the science, technology and clinical applications of all types of bioceramic materials used in medicine and dentistry.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

New books received this week

Principles and practice of single implant and restoration / Mahmoud Torabinejad. St. Louis: Elsevier, 2013.

Covering treatment planning to restoration, this book is specifically designed to train Endodontists and General Dentists for a single tooth implant and restorations. It describes surgical principles, implant placement, implant site preparation, bone grafts and bone substitute materials, tooth extraction, guided bone regeneration, immediate implant placement, surgical defects, and single-tooth esthetic considerations.

Haematology: an illustrated colour text. / Martin R. Howard. 4th ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2013.

This textbook on haematology in the Illustrated Colour Text series is suitable for medical students, junior doctors and others needing a concise and practical introduction to the subject. Includes recent developments in stem cell biology and places an increased emphasis on genomic and proteomic techniques in the diagnosis of haematological malignancy.

Columbus bridge protocol / Tiziano Tealdo. Milan: Quintessenza Edizioni, 2012.

Founded on the same principles as the Novum Protocol, the Columbus Bridge Protocol provides for the realization of a full-arch, screw-retained, functionally loaded provisional prosthesis within 24 to 48 hours after implant surgery in the maxilla. The authors detail the biologic principles on which the protocol is based as well as the experimental studies that led to its use.

Monday, 21 October 2013

New editions received this week

Master Dentistry, Volume 1: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine. / Coulthard, Paul. 3rd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2013.

New to this edition: Each chapter has been fully revised and updated to reflect new research evidence and provide an international context including use of drug names. The Human Disease and Patient Care chapter includes a new approach to medical risk assessment and updated guidance on the management of common medical emergencies. Particularly significant changes in other chapters include surgical flap design, CBCT, radiotherapy, bisphosphonates, odontogenic keratocyst classification, zygoma implants, and contemporary specialist referral systems. .

Master Dentistry, Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics / Heasman, Peter. 3rd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2013.

Master Dentistry is designed as a revision guide for dental students and presents the key elements of the curriculum in an easy-to-digest format. Based on sound educational principles, each volume in the series is fully illustrated throughout and is supported by extensive self-assessment questions which allow the reader to assess their own knowledge of the topic and perfect their exam techniques. This third edition has been fully updated throughout and addresses the restorative, paediatric and orthodontic aspects of dentistry. Fully revised self-assessment material provided in the form of MCQs, EMQs, case histories, short notes, data interpretation, viva questions and picture questions.

Oral pathology for the dental hygienist / Olga A.C. Ibsen. 6th ed., St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Saunders, 2013.

This text offers the ideal combination of clinical photographs, radiographs and discussion to help you identify, understand, evaluate, and document the appearance of normal and disease states. This user-friendly, atlas-style text features the learning tools and updated content you need to prepare for success on your exams and throughout your professional career. Additional photos and illustrations help you clearly visualize abnormalities. New content on human papillomavirus (HPV) and diabetes keeps you up to date with the latest research and findings.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

New books received this week

Oral and maxillofacial pathology: a rationale for diagnosis and treatment./ Robert E Marx. 2nd ed., Chicago: Quintessence, 2012.

This updated two-volume edition includes several new disease entities, the latest information on recognizing and treating previously described conditions, and new clinical images and cases that better portray the clinical presentation and/or treatment of specific diseases. Significant additions include the section on bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (BIONJ), and the incorporation of new reconstructive techniques using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein, stem cell concentrates, and tissue-engineering principles where appropriate.

Mucogingival esthetic surgery / Giovanni Zucchelli . Milan: Quintessenza Edizione, 2013.

This beautifully illustrated book explains the art and science of esthetic surgical techniques on the mucogingiva around natural teeth and implants. The author draws upon his extensive experience to show readers how to diagnose and treat mucogingival defects, with detailed coverage of the diagnosis of and the surgical options for covering varying degrees of gingival recession. The text features protocols for the treatment and preparation of root caries and noncarious lesions as well as the surgical procedures to cover exposed root surfaces and increase the volume of the affected gingiva.

Non-metallic biomaterials for tooth repair and replacement / Pekka Vallittu (ed). Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2013.

Methods and materials for dental repair and restoration are becoming more and more advanced as the demand for attractive and healthy teeth increases; non-metallic materials in particular have become very popular in recent years. The editor and contributors focus on biomaterials for tooth repair and, in particular, dental restorations. Chapters cover dental glasses and the natural structure of teeth and discuss a wide range of dental polymer composites and dental ceramics.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Core textbooks - new editions just received

Handbook of pediatric dentistry / Angus C. Cameron, Richard P. Widmer(ed). 4th ed, Edinburgh; New York: Mosby Elsevier, 2013.

Suitable for students and practitioners alike, the Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry is a concise, practical and highly illustrated guide to the day-to-day management of child dental patients. The new edition has an improved layout with completely new colour illustrations, an expanded section on sedation, includes details from the most recent international guidelines, and has major revisions of chapters on behaviour management, restorative dentistry, management of cleft lip and palate and radiographic pathology in children.

Dental materials: properties and manipulation / John M. Powers. 10th ed, St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders 2013.

Focusing on the dental materials most commonly used, the 10th edition covers the tasks that dental assistants and dental hygienists typically perform. It shows the most current materials, how to mix and apply them in a clinical setting, and how to educate patients about them. Now in full color, this edition adds more photographs of materials actually being mixed, used, and applied, and includes detailed coverage of ceramics, metals, and implant and impression materials.

Essentials of dental radiography and radiology / Eric Whaites, Nicholas Drage. 5th ed, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2013.

New edition of a popular textbook of dental radiography and radiology for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students and general dental practitioners.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

New editions of important textbooks

Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery / James R. Hupp (ed). 6th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby, 2014.

The 6th Edition enhances your skills in evaluation, diagnosis, and patient management. Full-color photographs and drawings show how to perform basic surgical techniques, and an overview of more advanced surgical procedures includes guidelines on when to refer patients to specialists and how to provide supportive postoperative care. This edition also includes the latest developments in dental implants, instrumentation, and current technology.

Dental anatomy coloring book / Margaret J. Fehrenbach (ed). 2nd ed, St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders 2014.

This 2nd Edition provides an easy, fun, and effective way to memorize the structures of the head and neck region as well as the basic body systems affecting dentistry. Each chapter includes several images that you are asked to color and connect with corresponding labels. This edition adds more illustrations and newreview questions with references to specific chapters in core textbooks where more in-depth explanations can be found.

Primary preventive dentistry / Norman O. Harris (ed). 8th ed, Boston [Mass.]: Pearson, 2014.

The 8th ed describes dental diseases and conditions, helping students clearly understand the processes that can be prevented through the use of preventive modalities or ideas. It presents detailed strategies to prevent these diseases and conditions. Throughout, specific target populations are defined and described based upon scientifically valid preventive strategies aimed at their needs. This edition adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

New textbooks received this week

Essentials of oral histology and embryology: a clinical approach. / Daniel J. Chiego. 4th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier, 2014.

With clear coverage of the anatomy of oral and facial tissues, Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: A Clinical Approach, 4th Edition, helps you understand normal orofacial development to prepare you to care for patients with abnormalities or dental pathologies. It provides a strong foundation in oral biology, focusing on the development and structure of cells and tissues, the stages of tooth development and maturation, and the parts of teeth including enamel, dentin, dental pulp, and cementum. to help improve comprehension.

General and oral pathology for the dental hygienist / Leslie DeLong. 2nd ed, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

A comprehensive study of the general concepts of pathophysiology as they relate to systemic and oral conditions. The Oral Pathology section is uniquely organized by distinct recognizable characteristics of lesions (for example, "white" lesions or "radiolucent" lesions), a uniquely practical and highly effective way of presenting this information since dental hygienists have to evaluate pathology based on what they see. This allows the student to easily identify what he or she might be looking at and to differentiate between lesions with similar appearances.

Phillips' science of dental materials / Kenneth J. Anusavice. 12th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders, 2013.

Learn the most up-to-date information on materials used in the dental office and laboratory today. Emphasizing practical, clinical use, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials, this leading reference helps you stay current in this very important area of dentistry. This new full-color edition also features an extensive collection of new clinical photographs to better illustrate the topics and concepts discussed in each chapter.

Friday, 20 September 2013

New books received this week

Dental statistics made easy / Nigel Smeeton. 2nd ed, London: Radcliffe Publishing, 2012.

This essential textbook presents the complexities of dental statistics in a user friendly way . combining questions, analysis, advice and solutions to practical research problems. It focuses on the principles of statistics and how to apply that knowledge, without complex algebraic formulae. Fully revised and extended and now in its second edition this detailed guide covers new and emerging issues whilst retaining the original focus: understanding statistical concepts rather than the performance of routine calculations.

Clinically oriented anatomy / Keith L. Moore. 7th ed, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2014.

This best-selling anatomy textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy. The 7th edition features a NEW-AND-IMPROVED ART PROGRAM to reinforce its position as the primary resource serving the needs of anatomy students during both the basic science and the clinical phases of their studies.

Robbins basic pathology / Vinay Kumar. 9th ed, Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders, 2013.

Robbins Basic Pathology delivers the pathology knowledge you need, the way you need it, from the name you can trust. Artwork revised and updated for a more modern look and more three-dimensional feel. All photomicrographs and gross photos reviewed and improved to ensure excellent quality. A trusted title in the world of pathology, Robbins offers easy-to-access information that's concise and accurate.

Monday, 16 September 2013

New edition of core textbook - print and e-book versions now available

An introduction to orthodontics /Laura Mitchell. 4th ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

This textbook is highly illustrated throughout, including over 700 diagrams, clinical photographs and illustrated case studies that show the long-term planning and progress of orthodontic treatment. Each chapter is enhanced by learning objectives, key points boxes, annotated references, and directions to relevant Cochrane reviews. Orthodontic Assessment, Anchorage Planning, and Removable Appliances chapters are completely revised for the fourth edition.

Friday, 6 September 2013

New e-books

Bionanomaterials for dental applications / Mieczyslaw Jurczyk (ed). Boca Raton, Fla.: Pan Stanford Pub., 2012.
This book introduces readers to the structure and characteristics of new dental nanomaterials, corrosion behavior of metallic biomaterials and implants, and methods of surface improvement of implants by means of nanoengineering, which determines the biocompatibility of such inserts. It thoroughly explains osseointegration from a biological viewpoint and early tissue response.

Dento/oro/craniofacial anomalies and genetics / Agnès Bloch-Zupan, Crispian Scully. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012.

Dental defects may be the physical expression of genetic defects, and so they can often be seen in a variety of syndromes associated with malformations of organs. However, dental defects are often not recognized, identified, nor characterised despite representing a possible diagnostic sign for an undiagnosed condition. This book addresses this gap by providing an understanding of dental genetics and its developmental biology counterpart.

Valuing a practice: a guide for dentists / Larry Domer. Chicago: American Dental Association, Council on Dental Practice, 2006.

As a practice buyer or seller, this book can help save you money and time during this critical process. Covers valuation issues and methods as well as tax implications. Written by legal experts, it includes case studies, sample letters and a sample contract.

Associateships: a guide for owners and prospective associates / Randall Berning. Chicago: American Dental Association, Council on Dental Practice, 2005.

Don't hire or become an associate before reading this book! Now includes CD-ROM with document templates in Word and Excel. Touches all the bases of associateships such as locating opportunities and candidates, how to make an associateship a win-win proposition, and options for financial arrangements.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

New edition of core neuroscience text

Principles of neural science / Kandel E & Schwartz J. 5th ed, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.

Deciphering the link between the human brain and behavior has always been one of the most intriguing.and often challenging.aspects of scientific endeavor. The sequencing of the human genome, and advances in molecular biology, have illuminated the pathogenesis of many neurological diseases and have propelled our knowledge of how the brain controls behavior. To grasp the wider implications of these developments and gain a fundamental understanding of this dynamic, fast-moving field, Principles of Neuroscience stands alone as the most authoritative and indispensible resource of its kind. ... The new fifth edition of Principles of Neural Science is thoroughly updated to reflect the tremendous amount of research, and the very latest clinical perspectives, that have significantly transformed the field within the last decade. Ultimately, Principles of Neural Science affirms that all behavior is an expression of neural activity, and that the future of clinical neurology and psychiatry hinges on the progress of neural science. Far exceeding the scope and scholarship of similar texts, this unmatched guide offers a commanding, scientifically rigorous perspective on the molecular mechanisms of neural function and that you'll continually rely on to advance your comprehension of brain, mind, and behavior.

Friday, 9 August 2013

New books received this week

Practical implant dentistry: the science and art. / Ashok Sethi. 2nd ed, London: Quintessence Publishing, 2012.

The science and art of implant dentistry encompasses both complex surgical protocols and advanced prosthodontics, and no beginner can achieve excellence in this discipline without a clear understanding of the step-by-step guidelines. This established textbook, written by clinicians for clinicians, presents evidence-based protocols and focuses on the technical skill and practical craftsmanship that are essential to predictable outcomes in implant placement, augmentation, and restoration.

The superguide: a guide for supervising oral health professionals. Gladesville, N.S.W.: Health Education and Training Institute, 2013.

This is a user friendly guide designed to assist oral health professionals who are responsible for supervising other staff. It provides information about supervising oral health professionals in ways that contribute to the safety and better care of patients, and effective methods of contributing to the education, welfare and professional development of oral health professionals. This guide is not a policy document. It gives tips and suggestions based on the published evidence of what makes good supervision and the knowledge of many experienced oral health supervisors in New South Wales.

Oral and Maxillofacial Infections: 15 Unanswered Questions. / Thomas R. Flynn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 2011.

This special issue will review the many unanswered questions regarding oral and maxillofacial infections. Questions include: Should we extract teeth in the presence of infection? Should we wait for development of an abscess before we perform incision and drainage? What are the antibiotics of choice for odontogenic infections, and how long should the treatment course last? Is clindamycin losing its effectiveness in odontogenic infections? Should we use prophylactic antibiotics for removal of erupted teeth, impacted teeth, dental implants, or other dentoalveolar surgery, and more.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

New books received this week

Defense from within : a guide to success as a dental malpractice defense expert. / Jeffrey A. Krompier. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence, 2012.

In this straightforward and highly informative book, an attorney with nearly 30 years of experience defending health care providers against malpractice suits offers dental clinicians essential advice and inside information regarding what it takes to be a successful defense expert witness.

The face: pictorial atlas of clinical anatomy. / Ralf J. Radlanski. London: Quintessence, 2012.

All surgical disciplines that deal with the human face must rely on an exact knowledge of its highly complex topographic-anatomical relationships. This atlas provides a unique contribution to the study of facial anatomy in which readers are allowed to explore deeper into the anatomy as the layers are stripped away, one by one.

Fiber-reinforced composites in clinical dentistry. / Martin A. Freilich. Chicago ; London: Quintessence, 2000.

Fiber-reinforced materials have highly favorable mechanical properties, and their strength-to-weight ratios are superior to those of most alloys. When compared to metals they offer many other advantages as well, including noncorrosiveness, translucency, good bonding properties, and ease of repair so they have potential in many applications in dentistry.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

New e-books

Fluoride and the oral environment / Marília A.R.B Bauru (ed). Basel, Switzerland: Karger, 2011.

This volume brings together current concepts relating to the use of fluoride in dentistry. As a clear up-to-date summary of current thinking in the field, this book will be essential reading for research workers and postgraduate students. Established researchers and teachers in both clinical and basic sciences will find it to be a valuable addition to their libraries, and clinicians will be able to better evaluate the current scientific evidence on the advantages as well as the hazards of fluoride in dentistry.

Anatomy for dental students / D.R. Johnson and W.J. Moore. 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

This book aims to provide the dental student with a description of all the gross, neurological, and developmental anatomy (apart from that of the dentition itself) necessary for the practice of dentistry and its major specialties. It is designed primarily as a textbook for the undergraduate student who is pursuing a practical course in topographical anatomy, but contains enough detail for the postgraduate dentist reading for additional qualifications.

Endodontic radiology / Bettina Basrani, (ed). 2nd ed., Ames, Iowa: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012.

More than an overview of equipment, the book delves into radiographic interpretation, differential diagnosis, technical difficulties and special circumstances when taking radiographs during the endodontic treatment, and how to choose the correct radiographic technique to obtain the desired images. Chapters explain general radiographic techniques; intraoral techniques; standard radiographs and interpretation; digital radiographs and their manipulation, storage, and interpretation; and CBCT principles, techniques, and clinical considerations.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

New books received this week

Treatment of TMDs: bridging the gap between advances in research and clinical patient management. / Charles S. Greene (ed). Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence, 2013.

Every chapter provides an overview of new research in the field and its potential for changing future patient care. Covering such clinically relevant topics as the relation of abnormal joint function to joint pathology, the prediction of treatment responsiveness, how sleep disorders affect TMJ and facial pain, the role of comorbid conditions in pain response and management, and the evolving field of pharmacotherapeutics, this book is sure to transform the way clinicians think about TMDs and how they approach TMD treatment.

The face: pictorial atlas of clinical anatomy. / Ralf J. Radlanski. London: Quintessence, 2012.

This atlas provides a unique contribution to the study of facial anatomy in which readers are allowed to explore deeper into the anatomy as the layers are stripped away, one by one. It features elaborate composite illustrations created in layers, starting from the skeleton and working out to the surface of the skin. CT scans are used for the skeletal template, MRI series depict the inner layers of the facial region, angiographs report the anatomy of the blood vessels, and photographs of anatomical specimens as well as a living model fill out the rest.

Implant therapy: the integrated treatment plan. / Mauro Merli. Milan: Quintessenza Edizioni, 2013.

The current emphasis on patient-centered medicine necessitates revision of the diagnostic and therapeutic process toward an integrated treatment plan that promotes collaboration among the specialties as well as the patient's active participation. This text describes how to implement such a treatment plan for patients requiring implant treatment in an area of esthetic and/or functional interest.