New books received today
Current concepts in temporomandibular joint surgery / Gregory M. Ness (ed). Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders, 2011.
Guest Editor Martin Steed has assembled a comprehensive review of peripheral trigeminal nerve injury, repair and regeneration. Articles will include peripheral nerve response to injury, clinical trigeminal neurosensory testing, inferior alveolar and lingual nerve imaging, and so on.
Harrison's principles of internal medicine / Dan L. Longo (ed). 18th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Reflecting the state of the art in medical practice, this edition delivers the latest strategies for understanding, diagnosing and managing disease. The accompanying DVD contains 53 chapters not found in the book as well as hundreds of illustrations and procedural videos.How the Tooth Mouse met the Tooth Fairy / Lizzette de Vries. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence, 2010.
This charming and delightfully illustrated book entertains as it teaches children the importance of brushing at least twice a day.