New books received this week
Temporomandibular disorders: a problem based approach. / Robin J.M. Gray (et al). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
A quick, systematic and logical approach to diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders (TMD), this latest book in the Dental Update series is an essential clinical companion for dental students and practising dentists.
Getting into dental school / Adam Cross. 7th.ed, Richmond: Trotman, 2011.
Are you keen to study dentistry at university? Need advice on making your dental school application stand out head and shoulders above the rest? If so, Getting into Dental School is the book for you, full of essential information that can secure your place at the dental school of your choice. Student workbook for modern dental assisting / Doni L. Bird. 10th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Saunders Elsevier, 2012.
Easy to understand and simple to use, Student Workbook for Modern Dental Assisting, 10th Edition, provides the best review and practice available in workbook form for mastering core dental assisting skills. Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist / Demetra Daskalos Logothetis. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2012.
Written by a dental hygienist for dental hygienists, this book helps you learn the safe and effective administration of local anesthesia. Full-color photographs illustrate specific injection techniques, and colorful illustrations show dental anatomy. Stedman's dental dictionary 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2011.
Be it dentistry, dental assisting, or dental hygiene, this dictionary is the go-to resource for all students in the dental field. It contains definitions for nearly 16,000 terms relevant to all dental professions and includes more than 500 illustrations, most in full color.
Basics of dental technology: a step by step approach. / Tony Johnson. Chichester, West Sussex: Blackwell Pub., 2011.
As well as providing thorough instruction as to core competencies in impression handling, model production, tray construction, articulators and facebows, the book introduces the reader to the basics of more specific and/or specialist areas of practice, such as complete and partial denture prosthetics, fixed prosthodontics, orthodontic work, maxillo-facial technology, occlusion and implants.Dentists, specialists and allied practitioners in Australia: dental labour force collection, 2006. Canberra: AIHW, 2011.
The Australian dental labour force in 2006 continued to be dominated by general dental practitioners (67%) and specialists (about 10%). The allied practitioner proportion of 23% was made up of therapists (9%), prosthetists (7%), hygienists (5%) and oral health therapists (2%).Surgical complications in oral implantology: etiology, prevention, and management. / Louie Al-Faraje. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub., 2011.
This book is designed as a self-instruction guide to the diagnosis, management, and prevention of surgery-related complications in implant dentistry. It is a valuable resource for the implant surgeon seeking practical and succinct information about how to manage a complication in an emergency setting, or it can be read from cover to cover as a primer on implant surgery.