New books received today
Essentials of dental radiography for dental assistants and hygienists / Evelyn M. Thomson. 9th ed., Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 2012.
A clear, up-to-date, and student-friendly text that tightly links oral radiological principles with modern practice. It presents all information needed for introductory courses in dental radiography, preparing students for board and licensing examinations while offering real-world resources for clinical practice and patient management.
Hypodontia: a team approach to management. / J.A. Hobkirk (et al). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Provides specialist clinicians with a practical reference to the multidisciplinary management of patients with this condition. The book synthesises current information and best practice from specialties involved in the treatment of hypodontia into one comprehensive volume, emphasising a problem-based approach throughout.State-of-the-art orthodontics: self-ligating appliances, miniscrews and second molar extractions. / Hugo Trevisi. London: Mosby/Elsevier, 2011.
A lavishly illustrated book explaining the latest techniques in the management of Class II and III malocclusions including severe over-crowding. Places particular emphasis on the role of the ClarityT Self-Ligating appliance - an esthetic device that also demonstrates excellent sliding biomechanics and allows use of low force levels and reduced treatment times. EMQs for dentistry / Douglas Hammond. 2nd ed., Knutsford: PasTest, 2011.
The 2nd ed contains more than 320 EMQs covering the dental undergraduate syllabus taught in the UK’s dental schools. Questions are grouped by subject enabling students to focus their revision on their weaker areas. Thorough explanations and answers for every question help students to develop their learning and understanding. Includes useful hips and tips on how to approach the exam.Dr. Lazare's The patient's guide to dentistry / Marc Lazare. Bloomington, Ind.: Trafford Pub, 2011.
This book was written by the creator of the popular Dental Expert and Pediatric Dental Expert app for the iPhone and iPad, Dr. Marc Lazare, who has gathered information from the top dental experts in their fields to answer the most frequently asked dental questions in all categories of dental care. A clinical guide to implants in dentistry / Richard M. Palmer. 2nd ed., London: British Dental Association, 2008.
The book is intended to give the clinician a wide appreciation of tretment planning, the various stages of treatment and how implant dentistry relates to, and compares with, other treatment options.
Illustrated dental embryology, histology and anatomy. Student workbook. / Mary Bath-Balogh. 3rd ed., St Louis: Elsevier S̀̀̀̀̀̀̀aunders, 2011.
Master the content from your textbook with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, 3rd Edition, this workbook helps you understand and apply material with case studies, labeling exercises, helpful guidelines, and more.4D implant therapy: esthetic considerations for soft tissue management. / Akiyashi Funato. London: Quintessence Pub., 2011.
Clinicians today recognize the need for a restoration-driven approach to implant therapy that considers the placement in bone and soft tissue from a three-dimensional perspective. However, the authors of this book assert that for optimal esthetics and patient satisfaction, a fourth dimension - timing - must be given equal weight in implant treatment planning.Cosmetic surgery for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon / John E. Griffin (ed). Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub., 2010.
Although many surgeons have already expanded their practices to include cosmetic procedures, this straightforward "how-to" manual is the first book to situate cosmetic facial surgery fully within the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The authors guide the reader step-by-step through each procedure, from preoperative evaluation to surgical technique to postoperative concerns, and finally conclude with expert caveats on how to avoid complications. Basic immunology: functions and disorders of the immune system. / Abul K. Abbas. 3rd ed., London : Saunders, 2011.
This updated 3rd edition of Basic Immunology provides a readable and concise introduction to the workings of the human immune system, with emphasis on clinical relevance. The format makes learning easy with short, easy-to-read chapters, color tables, key point summaries, and review questions in every chapter.