New books received this week
Foundations of periodontics for the dental hygienist. / Jill S. Nield-Gehrig. 3rd ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health, 2011.
This is a primary course textbook providing a comprehensive and easy-to-understand presentation of periodontics for dental hygiene students. The text focuses on the hygienist’s role in periodontal therapy and makes effective use of an instructional design that facilitates teaching and learning the material without watering it down.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' comprehensive dental assisting. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2012.
This book is aimed at dental assistants have to work as part of a team every day to provide patients with the best possible care and ensure that the dental office runs smoothly and at instructors, who prepare students to have the skills and abilities they will need to be a successful part of this dental team.Concepts in dental public health / Jill Mason(ed). 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2010.
Written specifically for dental hygienists, this comprehensive textbook covers concepts, issues, techniques, and methods related to dental public health. It focuses on the assessment of factors that affect oral health of populations and the development of policy in response to a population's needs. Lingual & esthetic orthodontics / Rafi Romano (ed). London: Quintessence Publishing, 2011.
This book represents the first comprehensive clinical reference on the lingual orthodontic technique and reviews the latest advancements in the field, including available bracket systems, innovations in laboratory and simulation techniques, standard biomechanics from alignment to finishing, effective clinical protocols, and helpful tips and tricks for efficient treatment. Modern dental assisting/ Doni L. Bird(et al). 10th ed., St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier/Saunders, c2012.
Using an easy-to-understand approach, this resource offers a complete foundation in the basic and advanced clinical skills you must master to achieve clinical competency. It describes dental assisting procedures with photographs and clear, step-by-step instructions.Human oral mucosa: development, structure, and function. / Christopher Squier. Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
The aim of the present volume is to provide a more sophisticated text on human oral mucosa than presently exists in textbooks and to bring together information that is otherwise to be found in separate, specialist volumes into a comprehensive text. It relates structure at the molecular, cellular and tissue level to function and to clinical behavior.