New books received this week
My milk toof: the adventures of Ickle and Lardee. / Inhae Lee. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2011.
When two baby teeth came knocking at her door, artist Inhae Lee did what anyone would do: she invited them to live with her and started photographing their hilarious, miniature antics. The resulting blog phenomenon has captivated legions of devoted fans with its refreshingly sweet sentiment and hip appeal.
Jacob goes to the doctor and Sophie visits the dentist / Sarah, Duchess of York. New York: Sterling, 2011.
Going to the doctor or dentist for the first time can be scary to a child-but this book offers comfort and reassurance by gently explaining exactly what will happen in both situations. First, children follow Jacob as a nurse gives him an injection, and then they hear about Sophie’s experience visiting the dentist for her first checkup. It’s the perfect pre-appointment book.Restorative dentistry: treatment procedures and future prospects. / Franco Brenna. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders, c2012.
This atlas-style resource guides you step-by-step through essential procedures and presents realistic case scenarios to help you deepen your understanding of restorative principles and successfully apply your knowledge to patient treatment. Facial aesthetics: concepts and clinical diagnosis. / Farhad B. Naini. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
A comprehensive clinical textbook on the art and science of facial aesthetics for clinicians involved in the management of facial deformities, including orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons and aesthetic dentists. Pediatric laser dentistry: a user's guide. / Giovanni Olivi. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub., 2011.
Detailed explanations of the unique interactions of laser radiation with dental tissues with a focus on the differences specific to primary and young permanent teeth help clinicians take advantage of the many inherent benefits of laser energy, such as selective removal of carious tissue, preservation of healthy mineral structure, disinfection of prepared surfaces, excellent hemostasis, and improved patient comfort and compliance.