New e-books
Essential epidemiology: an introduction for students and health professionals. / Penny Webb. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
The new edition of this popular textbook remains a clear and practical introduction to epidemiology for students in all areas of health. It gives students an understanding of the fundamental pinciples common to all areas of epidemiology.
An illustrated guide to infection control / Kathleen Motacki (et al). New York, NY : Springer, c2010.
This book covers basic infection control regimens, from hand washing and use of hand gels to complicated infection control needs with use of medical devices. Included are infection control for contagious infections, sterile techniques, nosocomial infections, respiratory treatments, pneumonias, blood born pathogens, medical waste disposal, spills, infection control in a community setting, and more. Key issues in e-learning: research and practice. / Norbert Pachler. London: Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011.
This book offers education practitioners with little or no pedagogical grounding in the field of e-learning insights that will enable them to improve their professional practices in relation to the conceptualisation, design, implementation, assessment and evaluation of approaches to e-learning.