Pubget makes getting access to full-text documents easier and faster. Instead of search results requiring several clicks to view the papers through PubMed, with Pubget, the search results are the papers. Pubget allows you to save, manage and share papers. On campus you can open the PDFs straight away. Off campus you will need to login with your Unikey to get the full text.
To try Pubget for The University of Sydney, visit Pubget and set your institution to U of Sydney. After entering your affiliation, when you search for articles, Pubget will display the full text articles that Sydney University subscribes to right in the search results screen. If Sydney University doesn't subscribe to the full text you'll see the abstract, and in the full web version only, links to order it.
Do you have a mobile device? Try Pubget Mobile to find articles and open them with your favorite mobile pdf reader or reference manager, like Papers, iBooks, Kobo, Evernote, GoodReader & Stanza. You can also download citations to RefWorks.
Another useful feature of Pubget is called "Latest issues". This is a fully customizable list of one's favorite e-journals with most recent issues available in full text. You need to sign up for free and login to customize the list. Alternatively, you can login with details of your existing Google account.