New books received this week
Dental management of the medically compromised patient / by DJames W. Little (et al) St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby Elsevier, c2008.
Ensure your patients' health and safety! Practical guidance helps you determine the severity and stability of common medical disorders in the dental office, so you'll always know how to proceed to provide the best possible care and avoid complications.
Oral medicine (DVD).Hong Kong : Medivision Films, 2008.
Disc.1. An introduction to oral medicine -- disc.2. Lichen planus & lichenoid reaction -- disc.3. White patches in the mouth -- disc.4. Aphthous and related mouth ulcers -- disc.5. Blistering diseases -- disc.6 Disease of the salivary glands -- disc.7. Orofacial granulomatosis & pyoderma -- disc.8. Miscellaneous oral conditions.Burton's microbiology for the health sciences / Paul G. Engelkirk. 9th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2011.
This textbook offers vital coverage of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents, epidemiology and public health, hospital-acquired infections, infection control, and the ways in which microorganisms cause disease.