Thursday, 28 April 2011

New books received this week

A practical guide for medical teachers / John A. Dent (ed) 3rd ed. Edinburgh ; New York : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2009.

New chapters discuss learning in rural and remote locations; learning with simulated patients; the role of mentoring; giving feedback; and the new concept of mobile learning (M-learning). Up to fifteen new contributors from a wide range of countries and health professions provide an international perspective and present a multi-professional approach to all topics of interest to medical teachers.

Woelfel's dental anatomy / Rickne C. Scheid.8th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2012.

This textbook for dental, dental hygiene, and dental assisting students focuses on anatomy of the human mouth and teeth, and is designed to help the student understand the relationship of the teeth to one another, and to the bones, muscles, nerves, and vessels associated with the teeth and face.

Carranza's clinical periodontology / Michael G. Newman (ed). 11th ed. St. Louis, MO : Saunders Elsevier, c2012.

This book provides access to basic procedures as well as the latest in advanced procedures and techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy. Not only does this book show how to do periodontal procedures, it describes how to best manage the outcomes and explains the evidence supporting each treatment.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Free oral health curriculum & self assessment

This website is based in the USA and it is useful for allied health professionals, educators and doctors. "Smiles for Life: A National Oral Health Curriculum was originally developed in June 2005 by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Oral Health. The current 3rd edition of Smiles for Life was released in 2010. It continues its broad focus on all primary care clinicians, while adding opportunities for individual learners through interactive on-line learning." (Source: Smiles for Life, accessed on 25/04/2011)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New e-book

Topics in dental biochemistry / Martin Levine. Berlin ; London : Springer, 2011.

This book is primarily designed for students of dentistry who need to relate biochemistry and molecular biology to dentally related topics in physiology, nutrition, anatomy, histology, microbiology, and immunology. It provides the necessary basic scientific background for a clearer understanding of bone, tooth, saliva, and surrounding soft tissue research and also for an appreciation of how dental caries and periodontal disease might be better diagnosed and controlled in the future.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Pictures from the 2011 Graduation Ceremony

The Mace is the symbol of the authority of Senate.

Members of the academic procession stand and salute our newest graduates.

A happy snapshot in the front of the famous jacaranda tree.

Members of the academic procession

Images Copyright:

Monday, 11 April 2011

Oral health promotion

This is a link to NSW Health resources & publications . This material will be helpful when developing Oral Health Promotion material to ensure any messages given to your community are consistent.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

New books received this week

Dental management of the medically compromised patient / by DJames W. Little (et al) St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby Elsevier, c2008.

Ensure your patients' health and safety! Practical guidance helps you determine the severity and stability of common medical disorders in the dental office, so you'll always know how to proceed to provide the best possible care and avoid complications.

Oral medicine (DVD).Hong Kong : Medivision Films, 2008.

Disc.1. An introduction to oral medicine -- disc.2. Lichen planus & lichenoid reaction -- disc.3. White patches in the mouth -- disc.4. Aphthous and related mouth ulcers -- disc.5. Blistering diseases -- disc.6 Disease of the salivary glands -- disc.7. Orofacial granulomatosis & pyoderma -- disc.8. Miscellaneous oral conditions.

Burton's microbiology for the health sciences / Paul G. Engelkirk. 9th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2011.

This textbook offers vital coverage of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents, epidemiology and public health, hospital-acquired infections, infection control, and the ways in which microorganisms cause disease.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Free online magazine

Global Health NEXUS is an interesting, free online publication devoted to communicating the accomplishments, philosophy, vision, and plans for the New York University College of Dentistry. It also aims to be a means of bringing together all of their graduates with a stake in the future of Dentistry - alumni, faculty, students, staff, and friends, and to provide a focus for their common interests, opinions, and concerns.