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Restorative dentistry: an integrated approach. / Peter Jacobsen. Oxford ; Ames, Iowa : Blackwell, 2008.
Subjects included in the book are Periodontology, Endodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Oral Biology and Pathology, and Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics. However, it offers a somewhat unique approach in that it integrates the basic sciences that are fundamental to clinical practice rather than having separate sections or expecting readers to consult other texts for basic information.
Clinician's guide: diagnosis and treatment of chronic orofacial pain. / Ronald S. Brown (ed).Edmonds, WA: American Academy of Oral Medicine, c2009.
This monograph is a current and concise review for the clinician providing oral health care for chronic orofacial pain patients. This guide was written for clinicians in a ready-to-use- format to serve as a quick reference for many chronic orofacial pain conditions.
Clinician's guide: pharmacology in dental medicine. Jeffrey M. Casiglia. Edmonds, WA : American Academy of Oral Medicine, c2009.
This monograph is intended to provide information pertaining to the use of pharmacologic agents that may be used by the dental practitioner in general or specialty practice. The subjects are grouped by either specific classes of therapeutic agent or by pharmacologic concept.Research in medicine: planning a project, writing a thesis. / Juliet Usher-Smith. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
This practical text provides essential advice to guide the beginner through the processes involved in selecting, organizing, funding, undertaking, evaluating and publishing a biomedical research project, and completing a postgraduate qualification.