New books received this week
Problem solving in endodontics: prevention, identification, and management. / James L. Gutmann. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier/Mosby, c2011.
Offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this new edition combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient.
ITI treatment guide. Vol 4. Loading protocols in implant dentistry: edentulous patients. / Kathleen FM Fan. Berlin ; London : Quintessence, 2007-.
This fourth volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series presents implant therapy approaches and procedures in edentulous patients with a special focus on loading protocols. After discussing the current evidence and a summary of the most recent relevant ITI Consensus Statements it proceeds to guide readers through the entire treatment process.
The ADA practical guide to starting your dental practice. Chicago, Ill. : American Dental Association, c2010.
Start your practice right with this revised and updated practical guide from the ADA. Filled with the information you need, from furniture to finances. Get an overview of: • Choosing how and where to open a practice • Managing employees and choosing advisers • Practice management software, billing and collections • Marketing and much moreADA/PDR guide to dental therapeutics / American Dental Association. 5th ed., Chicago, Ill. : American Dental Association ; Physicians Desk Reference Inc., 2009.
This accessible and easy-to-use book is the most authoritative drug reference guide for dentists. With combined resources, expanded tables and format designed for quick searches and referencing it will help you make the most informed medication related decisions for your patients.