New books received this week
Headache, orofacial pain and bruxism / Peter Selvaratnam (ed). Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2009.
This book provides clinicians with the theoretical and clinical information required to appreciate the role of each discipline involved in the management of patients with headache, orofacial pain and bruxism. Clinicians are encouraged to use a multidisciplinary approach and to collaborate in the comprehensive management of these patients. Principles and practice of laser dentistry / Robert A. Convissar (ed). London : IBRA/Quintessence, 2009.
The book covers the history of lasers in dentistry and laser research, plus the use of lasers in periodontics, periodontal surgery, oral pathology, implantology, fixed and removable prosthetics, cosmetic procedures, endodontics, operative dentistry, pediatrics, orthodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Full-color images show the latest laser technology, surgical techniques, and key steps in treatment.
Atlas of human anatomy / Frank H. Netter. 5th ed., Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier, c2011.
This book uses Frank H. Netters detailed illustrations to demystify this often intimidating subject, providing a coherent, lasting visual vocabulary for understanding anatomy and how it applies to medicine. This edition features a stronger clinical focus-with new diagnostic imaging examples-making it easier to correlate anatomy with practice. Oxford specialist handbook of applied medicine and surgery in dentistry / Athanasios Kalantzis, Crispian Scully. 3rd ed., Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Bridging the gap between dental and medical knowledge, this book provides postgraduate dental trainees with practical advice on dealing with clinical problems not encountered during their university training.