New books received this week
Atlas of oral and extraoral bone harvesting / Robert E. Marx, Mark R. Stevens. Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub., c2010.
Featuring an abundance of surgical photos and custom-drawn illustrations, this highly practical surgical atlas serves equally well as a clinical guide for all surgeons, a quick refresher of a specific procedure, and a detailed student reference.Dental practice : get in the game / edited by Michael Okuji. Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub., c2010.
The contributors offer advice and practical information to help new dentists start a successful career, without overwhelming them with business jargon and financial minutiae best left to accountants and business advisors.The osteoperiosteal flap : a simplified approach to alveolar bone reconstruction. / edited by Ole T. Jensen. Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub., c2010.
This elaborately illustrated and concisely written book takes a fresh look at alveolar bone reconstruction, positing that the vitality of the gingiva-alveolus-implant complex is more important than simple implant longevity.