New books received this week
Implant dentistry: a practical approach. / by Arun K. Garg. 2nd ed, St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby, c2010.
A practical book covering all aspects of implant dentistry from patient history to post-operative care in an easy-to-read format. Outstanding photos help you visualize and understand patient outcomes. The appendix has handy information on insurance codes, consent forms, surgical tray set-ups, and food recipes for patients recovering from surgery.
Orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment. / edited by Thomas Rakosi (et al). Stuttgart, Germany ; New York, NY : Georg Thieme, 2010.
Discusses innovative methods & materials including the twin block technique, the functional magnetic system, the interarch compression spring, and the Invisalign system. Contains reviews of diagnostic principles, preventive orthodontics, early treatment options, implants, and more.Manual of temporomandibular disorders / Edward F. Wright. 2nd ed, Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Discusses an array of medical & dental conditions that affect the TMJ, masticatory muscles, and contiguous structures. The book provides evidence-based information that allows dentists to diagnose TMD accurately, rule out disorders that mimic TMD (that is, make a differential diagnosis), and provide effective therapy for most patients.Atlas of oral implantology / by Pankaj Singh. 3rd ed, St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Mosby, 2010.
Covers key topics including diagnosis & planning, basic implant surgery, advanced implant surgery, implant prosthodontics, and implant management. Learn how to select patients who are best suited for dental implants, evaluate host sites, select the proper type of implant for each patient, and place dental implants step-by-step.